Frequently Asked Questions - Reasonable Accommodation Services (RA)

How do I request a Reasonable Accommodation?

An employee or an employee's family member, health professional, or other representative may request a reasonable accommodation on behalf of an employee by contacting their immediate supervisor, a member of their management team, or the RA team. The Employee, their Supervisor, or their representative can then access ATS.CDC.GOV and complete the Request online. The Request will then be forwarded to the RA Coordinator.

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Should I tell my employer that I have a disability?

If you think you will need a reasonable accommodation in order to participate in the application process or to perform essential job functions, you should inform the employer that an accommodation will be needed. Employers are required to provide reasonable accommodation only for the physical or mental limitations of a qualified individual with a disability of which they are aware. Generally, it is the responsibility of the employee to inform the employer that an accommodation is needed.

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Do I have to pay for a needed reasonable accommodation?

No. The ADA requires that the employer provide the accommodation unless to do so would impose an undue hardship on the operation of the employer's business. If the cost of providing the needed accommodation would be an undue hardship, the employee must be given the choice of providing the accommodation or paying for the portion of the accommodation that causes the undue hardship.

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Does an employer have to make non-work areas used by employees, such as cafeterias, lounges, or employer provided transportation accessible to people with disabilities?

Yes. The requirement to provide reasonable accommodation covers all services, programs, and non-work facilities provided by the employer. If making an existing facility accessible would be an undue hardship, the employer must provide a comparable facility that will enable a person with a disability to enjoy benefits and privileges of employment similar to those enjoyed by other employees, unless to do so would be an undue hardship.

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How do I contact the Reasonable Accommodation office?

The office can be contacted by phone or by e-mail. The phone number is 770-488-1525, Voice or TDD. The e-mail address is

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