Mission,Vision and Goals


To end employment discrimination and promote equal employment opportunity in the workplace.


To create a workplace environment that reflects diversity, inclusion and equity and that ensures CDC employees are valued, respected and supported in their efforts to accomplish the Agency’s public health mission.


OEEO is a critical partner in achieving CDC and ATSDR’s public health goals. Federal law protects you from being discriminated on the following bases:

  • race
  • color
  • religion
  • sex (including pregnancy, sexual harassment and equal pay)
  • age
  • disability
  • national origin
  • retaliation and
  • genetics

Our office supports the agency’s responsibility of maintaining a model EEO program.

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) guidelines state that a model EEO program effectively considers and addresses concerns arising under both Title VII and Section 501 of the Rehabilitation Act. The six essential elements for a model EEO program, as outlined in the EEO Management Directive 715 are as follows:

  1. Demonstrated commitment from agency leadership
  2. Integration of EEO into the agency's strategic mission
  3. Management and program accountability
  4. Proactive prevention of unlawful discrimination
  5. Efficiency
  6. Responsiveness and legal compliance.

If you have any questions, please contact us at 770-488-3210.
