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Map Details - Percent of South Dakota Women Eligible for All Women Count! Program

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Impact Statement

This map shows the percentage of women ages 50-64 years eligible for the All Women Count! (AWC!) program at the county-level in South Dakota. The program aims to provide breast cancer screening services (clinical breast exam and mammogram) to the most vulnerable population (low income and uninsured).

Percent of South Dakota Women Eligible for All Women Count! Program


Using the Small Area Health Insurance Estimate (SAHIE) data (2013), which is a publicly available data source, we estimated the number and the distribution of women eligible for the AWC! program. The map shows variation across counties in the distribution of low income and uninsured women.

Software Used

ArcMap 10.3.1

Data Used

U.S. Census Bureau Small Area Health Insurance Estimate (SAHIE), 2013.

Methods Used

Using 2013 SAHIE data, we calculated the percentage of SD women eligible for AWC! funded breast cancer screening services. The percent eligible is the number of women in the specified county who meet the eligibility criteria (ages 50-64, with income less than or equal to 200% of the federal poverty level and uninsured), divided by the number of all women aged 50-64 in the specified county, multiplied by 100.

Contact the Submitter of this Map

Patricia Da Rosa, Public Health and Health Outcomes Data Analyst, College of Nursing, South Dakota State University

How to Cite this Map

Da Rosa, P., South Dakota State University; Miller, A., South Dakota Department of Health; Cudmore, K., South Dakota Department of Health. “Percent of South Dakota Women Eligible for All Women Count! Program” [map]. April 2016.  Accessed from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Chronic Disease GIS Exchange