For Health Care Professionals
Clinical Overview
Clinical features of varicella, complications, transmission, and rates of varicella... -
People at High Risk for Complications
People at high risk for severe symptoms and complications from varicella, preventing transmission... -
Interpreting Laboratory Tests
Types of specimens and assays for lab testing, interpretation of test results... -
Assessing Immunity to Varicella
Assessing immunity to varicella in children, adolescents, and adults... -
Managing People at Risk for Severe Varicella
Preventive treatment for at-risk persons not eligible for vaccination and therapeutic treatment for infected persons at risk of serious disease... -
Preventing Varicella in Health Care Settings
Management of patients with varicella...
Related Pages
- Slide set: Overview of VZV Disease & Vaccination for Healthcare Professionals[57 pages]
- Slide set: Varicella and Breakthrough Varicella: To Test or Not to Test[2.07MB, 14 slides] MS PowerPoint® file available upon email request
- Page last reviewed: July 1, 2016
- Page last updated: July 1, 2016
- Content source: