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2014 Adult Asthma Data: Prevalence Tables and Maps

Table C2.2
Adult Self-Reported Current Asthma Prevalence Rate (Number)
by Sex and State or Territory, BRFSS 2014
State Male
95% CI* (number)
95% CI* (number)
U.S. Total** 188,407 7,576,118 (7,321,147 - 7,831,088) || 264,543 14,224,928 (13,892,447 - 14,557,409)
AL 3,089 108,522 (88,159 - 128,884) || 5,489 245,325 (218,356 - 272,295)
AK 1,954 15,919 (11,523 - 20,315) || 2,406 28,946 (24,046 - 33,847)
AZ 5,937 182,401 (153,933 - 210,869) || 8,813 301,714 (270,802 - 332,626)
AR 1,886 74,247 (55,049 - 93,445) || 3,329 123,231 (103,562 - 142,899)
CA 4,177 700,713 (587,009 - 814,417) || 4,604 1,578,855 (1,396,546 - 1,761,164)
CO 5,816 120,201 (103,657 - 136,745) || 7,482 222,793 (201,914 - 243,671)
CT 3,411 81,532 (66,901 - 96,164) || 4,484 175,779 (153,419 - 198,139)
DE 1,744 19,214 (13,429 - 25,000) || 2,531 44,641 (38,363 - 50,919)
DC 1,601 20,964 (14,739 - 27,188) || 2,440 41,382 (32,650 - 50,115)
FL 3,902 408,352 (332,419 - 484,284) || 5,871 859,810 (764,673 - 954,948)
GA 2,415 192,001 (147,764 - 236,238) || 3,893 434,930 (378,643 - 491,217)
HI 3,437 37,818 (31,621 - 44,014) || 3,756 64,275 (55,872 - 72,678)
ID 2,251 38,417 (29,525 - 47,310) || 3,205 64,784 (55,385 - 74,182)
IL 2,187 295,166 (232,231 - 358,101) || 2,850 603,356 (517,402 - 689,310)
IN 4,654 192,867 (166,901 - 218,833) || 6,800 340,042 (308,484 - 371,601)
IA 3,374 80,208 (67,040 - 93,376) || 4,700 121,058 (104,438 - 137,678)
KS 5,831 61,537 (53,933 - 69,142) || 7,809 127,812 (117,527 - 138,098)
KY 3,862 148,643 (122,948 - 174,339) || 7,252 254,047 (227,237 - 280,857)
LA 2,582 97,872 (78,340 - 117,403) || 4,160 172,390 (151,188 - 193,592)
ME 3,741 47,604 (40,553 - 54,655) || 5,331 75,277 (67,782 - 82,771)
MD 4,748 131,833 (101,271 - 162,395) || 7,746 261,738 (229,646 - 293,830)
MA 6,222 208,434 (180,091 - 236,778) || 9,288 427,742 (390,826 - 464,657)
MI 3,601 301,900 (258,859 - 344,941) || 4,804 529,756 (475,828 - 583,684)
MN 7,458 127,819 (112,878 - 142,759) || 8,869 223,000 (204,997 - 241,002)
MS 1,509 58,794 (41,742 - 75,847) || 2,668 107,322 (88,176 - 126,469)
MO 2,814 164,183 (129,562 - 198,803) || 4,217 286,347 (250,411 - 322,283)
MT 3,291 28,928 (23,858 - 33,999) || 4,175 47,755 (41,278 - 54,232)
NE 9,562 42,893 (37,449 - 48,336) || 12,727 65,912 (59,633 - 72,192)
NV 1,594 72,880 (52,718 - 93,043) || 2,121 99,463 (79,366 - 119,561)
NH 2,582 33,676 (27,160 - 40,193) || 3,553 73,694 (64,670 - 82,719)
NJ 5,353 224,040 (190,207 - 257,874) || 7,598 346,197 (309,168 - 383,227)
NM 3,737 57,229 (46,964 - 67,494) || 5,142 97,632 (85,689 - 109,575)
NY 2,845 638,405 (532,106 - 744,703) || 3,973 1,004,193 (882,638 - 1,125,749)
NC 3,101 206,463 (165,869 - 247,057) || 4,143 385,816 (340,100 - 431,532)
ND 3,244 20,866 (16,718 - 25,013) || 4,503 29,667 (25,074 - 34,261)
OH 4,262 299,397 (249,984 - 348,810) || 6,568 658,314 (586,923 - 729,705)
OK 3,408 107,692 (91,009 - 124,375) || 4,972 176,611 (158,705 - 194,516)
OR 2,201 117,714 (92,894 - 142,533) || 2,982 196,787 (169,267 - 224,308)
PA 4,480 361,904 (308,966 - 414,843) || 6,452 617,623 (557,979 - 677,267)
RI 2,524 30,606 (25,078 - 36,135) || 3,870 58,856 (51,393 - 66,319)
SC 4,568 92,462 (77,325 - 107,599) || 6,370 216,947 (192,837 - 241,057)
SD 3,177 16,372 (12,549 - 20,195) || 4,169 31,841 (25,950 - 37,732)
TN 1,866 142,444 (108,374 - 176,513) || 3,232 305,746 (260,797 - 350,695)
TX 6,178 444,445 (371,185 - 517,705) || 9,151 868,128 (773,790 - 962,465)
UT 6,909 70,433 (63,089 - 77,777) || 8,025 108,081 (99,179 - 116,983)
VT 2,858 19,635 (16,524 - 22,746) || 3,551 37,009 (33,204 - 40,814)
VA 3,964 193,849 (160,147 - 227,551) || 5,452 362,916 (323,829 - 402,003)
WA 4,223 198,651 (168,258 - 229,045) || 5,760 302,342 (270,509 - 334,174)
WV 2,607 53,590 (44,799 - 62,381) || 3,555 107,944 (96,390 - 119,497)
WI 3,131 170,088 (138,765 - 201,412) || 3,881 286,045 (247,426 - 324,665)
WY 2,539 14,295 (10,840 - 17,751) || 3,821 23,055 (19,152 - 26,958)
GU 1,099 1,564 (769 - 2,359) || 1,409 4,409 (3,313 - 5,504)
PR 2,161 96,754 (78,196 - 115,312) || 3,817 201,401 (179,971 - 222,830)


*CI denotes confidence interval.

**U.S. Total includes 50 states plus the District of Columbia and excludes the three territories.

If values for the standard error and the 95% confidence interval are not provided, the normal approximation to the binomial distribution does not apply due to small sample size.

When the sample size is less than 50, estimates are not precise and should be interpreted with caution.
