Resources, Publications & Press

  • Critical Issue Briefs
    Provide journalists with current and easily accessible scientific and programmatic information about critical public health issues affecting older adults.
  • Health Literacy Tools for Professionals Working with Older Adults
    Provides information to assist professionals in developing materials that will communicate more effectively with older adults and their caregivers. The web site includes self-assessments, background information on health literacy, steps to improve materials and links to resources about older adults and caregivers.
  • Healthy Aging Podcast Series
  • Reports
    Healthy Aging Reports are designed for professional health practitioners and researchers.
  • Brain Health as you Age
    A set of materials for use in senior centers and other community settings that explain what people can do to help keep their brains functioning best. The basics of Alzheimer’s disease as a primary threat to brain health with age and managing possible risk factors are also explained in the materials.
  • Journal Articles by Date
    Articles from Healthy Aging Program Authors view bibliographies by year.
  • Depression is Not a Normal Part of Growing Older
    Fact sheet on aging and depression in older adults.

Links to State and Local Agencies