Reports and Resources


The Healthy Brain Initiative: The Public Health Road Map for State and National Partnerships, 2013–2018  [PDF–2.5 MB]
CDC, in collaboration with the Alzheimer’s Association and many other partners, released the second in a series of Road Maps in July 2013. This Road Map focuses on partnerships and provides a set of 35 actions that state and local public health agencies and their partners can use to promote cognitive health and address cognitive impairment for individuals living in the community and assist their care partners. The 2013—2015 Interim Progress Report[PDF-1.2MB] highlights CDC’s Healthy Brain Initiative’s accomplishments thus far.

MMWRSelf-Reported Increased Confusion or Memory Loss and Associated Functional Difficulties Among Adults Aged ≥60 Years — 21 States, 2011″[PDF–2 MB] This report provides the first state-based cognitive impairment data from the 21 states that added the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) Cognitive Impairment module in 2011.

The CDC Healthy Brain Initiative: Progress 2006–2011  [PDF–1.5MB]
The Healthy Brain Initiative, a segment of the Healthy Aging Program, is working diligently to –implement activities to achieve the desired objectives described in the Road Map (2007) that fall under the purview of CDC’s mission and vision. This full Report documents CDC’s Healthy Brain Initiative’s accomplishments during the past five years focusing on priorities relevant to CDC’s public health mission in four areas: conducting surveillance, supporting policy change, advancing communication, and guiding applied prevention research.

Executive Summary Progress Report 2006–2011: The CDC Healthy Brain Initiative[PDF–857KB]
The executive summary of the Progress Report 2006-2011 provides a brief background on The Healthy Brain Initiative and highlights CDC’s accomplishments to date. For more detailed information on accomplishments and next steps, please see the full report above.

The Healthy Brain Initiative: A National Public Health Road Map to Maintaining Cognitive Health
CDC, in collaboration with the Alzheimer’s Association and many other partners, released The Road Map in June 2007. This landmark document is both a call-to-action and a guide for a coordinated approach to moving cognitive health into the national public health arena.

New Research Explores Perceptions of Cognitive Health Among Diverse Older Adults[PDF–1.34MB]
This factsheet summarizes new research describing what Americans think about cognitive health and how to maintain it.

The Gerontologist: Promoting Cognitive Health in Diverse Populations of Older Adults
This special issue of The Gerontologist focuses on promoting cognitive health in diverse populations of older adults. It highlights research examining older adults’ attitudes, perceptions, behaviors, and implications for community-based interventions.

Alzheimer’s & Dementia: The Healthy Brain and our Aging Population: Translating Science to Public Health Practice.
This special issue of Alzheimer’s & Dementia includes articles from presentations given at the 2006 research meeting about the “Healthy Brain and our Aging Population: Translating Science to Public Health Practice.”
