About CDC’s Healthy Aging Program

The Healthy Aging Program serves as the focal point at CDC for efforts to promote the health and quality of life of older Americans. Located within CDC’s National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, the Program focuses primarily on adults age 50 or older.

Our Goals

  • Enhance the ability of states and communities to identify and implement effective strategies and programs to promote and protect the health of older adults.
  • Enhance the integration of efforts by the public health and aging services networks to promote health and prevent disease among older adults.
  • Promote health and preserve health-related quality of life for older adults through the health care system and other avenues.

What We Do

  • Develop innovative, web-based tools and resources.
  • Collect, analyze, and disseminate data to guide public health action.
  • Engage in active partnerships with CDC partners, other federal agencies, the states, and key national organizations to promote and disseminate effective health promotion strategies.

How Our Work Is Done

Other priority health areas for the Healthy Aging Program include or have addressed the use of clinical preventive services, emergency preparedness, caregiving, mobility, multiple chronic conditions, quality of life, and advance care planning.