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Training: "Radiological Terrorism: Medical Response to Mass Casualties"

The purpose of this interactive self-study training is to provide clinician education on local medical response to mass casualties during the immediate aftermath of a radiological or nuclear terrorism incident. This program has two parts: 1) a series of six 5 to 20 minute lectures on potential radiological and nuclear incidents, emergency response planning, mass decontamination principles, triage, treatment and pharmacotherapy, and 2) a series of six simulated patient case studies designed to provide an opportunity to apply the lecture material. Each of the six studies depicts a hypothetical radiological terrorism incident. Supplemental literature and Web-based training resources are also provided. The program takes approximately 2 hours to complete. The learner can stop and start the program at their convenience.

Target Audience

The program is designed for physicians and nurses working in emergency services in hospital first receiver settings.


Introductory training in radiological emergency preparedness is recommended as a prerequisite. The CDC Radiation Emergencies website provides sources of introductory information.

CD-ROM Version

Since this training includes video, the CD-ROM version is recommended for those with slower Web connections that may prevent optimal play of the video portions. To order a copy of the CD-ROM version, which is designed for Windows®2000 or XP, send your mailing address to, indicating the number of copies.

Web-Based Version

Before starting this training, see the computer settings guide to ensure that your computer has the needed software and settings.

Start the Web-based version of the training
