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Food Safety

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  • Eat food in sealed containers (cans, bottles, boxes, etc). Unspoiled food in your refrigerator or freezer is also safe to eat. Food in a pantry or drawer away from radioactive material is safe to eat.
    • Wipe off food containers with a damp cloth or clean towel before opening them. Put the used cloth or towel in a plastic bag or other sealable container and place the bag in an out-of-the-way place, away from other people and pets.
    • Wipe off counters, places, pots, and utensils with a damp cloth or clean towel before using them. Put the used cloth or towel in a plastic bag or other sealable container and place the bag in an out-of-the-way place, away from other people and pets.
    • Do not pick or eat food from your garden until emergency officials determine it is safe to do so.

Pet Food Safety

  • Just like people's food, pet food in sealed containers (cans, bottles, boxes) will be safe for animals to eat.
  • Wipe off pet food containers with a damp cloth or clean towel before opening them. Wipe off pet bowls, dishes and mats too. Put the used cloth or towel in a plastic bag or other sealable container and place the bag in an out-of-the-way place, away from other people and pets.