Planning for the Big Day! Wedding Health and Safety Tips

	wedding rings

Say, "I do" to your health! Follow these tips to help you plan a safe and healthy wedding and marriage.

Eat healthy.

Make healthy choices for your wedding, showers, parties, and new life together. Eat a variety of fruits and vegetables every day. Limit foods and drinks high in calories, sugar, salt, fat, and alcohol. Choose healthy snacks.

Include healthy meals and snacks for your guests. Add seasonal fruit or vegetables, low-fat snacks, and low-calorie drinks or desserts.

If you want to lose weight, eat smaller food portions, lower the amount of fat in your diet, and be active. Avoid crash dieting.

Permanently improving your eating habits requires a thoughtful approach in which you Reflect, Replace, and Reinforce.

  • REFLECT on all of your specific eating habits, both bad and good; and, your common triggers for unhealthy eating.
  • REPLACE your unhealthy eating habits with healthier ones.
  • REINFORCE your new, healthier eating habits.

Meet with your doctor or nurse to talk about your best approach, especially if you have health problems.

Healthy Weight

Nutrition for Everyone

Rethink Your Drink

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Be active.

Be active for at least 2½ hours a week. Include activities that raise your breathing and heart rates and that strengthen your muscles. You don’t have to do it all at once. Spread your activity out during the week, and break it into smaller chunks of time during the day. Getting to and staying at a healthy weight requires both regular physical activity and a healthy eating plan.

How Much Physical Activity do Adults Need?

Physical Activity for a Healthy Weight

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Be smoke-free.

Choose smoke-free venues for the wedding reception and other activities. Breathing in other people's smoke (secondhand smoke) causes health problems similar to those of smokers.

Prepare for your new life together by quitting smoking. Quitting smoking has immediate and long-term benefits. Within 20 minutes after smoking that last cigarette, your body begins a series of positive changes that continue for years. Keep your home smoke-free.

Quit Smoking

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Manage stress.

As you juggle wedding planning activities, take steps to recognize and manage stress. If feeling stressed or overwhelmed don't be shy about asking and accepting help. Pay attention to your body. Early warning signs of stress include headache, sleep problems, difficulty concentrating, short temper, upset stomach, job dissatisfaction, and low morale. Talk to your doctor or nurse if you feel stressed or if you think you are losing control.

Stress (NIH)

Stress at Work

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Style with care.

Trying something new for your wedding? Test any new hair dyes, relaxers, cosmetics, and skin products way before the wedding to make sure they don't cause problems such as itching, redness, rash, sneezing, or wheezing. Allergies may happen the first time a product is used or after multiple uses. Always test a product in a small area first. Follow all directions, cautions, and warnings on the label. Stop using the product if problems develop. Never dye eyebrows or eyelashes, as it might cause serious eye injuries. Remove make-up before bedtime to prevent skin and eye irritation.

Cosmetics (FDA)

Hair Dye and Hair Relaxers (FDA)

Use Eye Cosmetics Safely (FDA)

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Prevent injury.

Wear comfortable clothes that won’t adversely affect how you walk, stand, or dance. Make sure your shoes and clothes are fitted properly to prevent trips and falls.

If you’re using candles at your wedding, ensure that they are placed properly so as not to burn anyone or set anything on fire. Place other decorations in such a way so as not to increase the risk of injury.

If you’re hosting a party where alcohol will be served, remind your guests to plan ahead and designate their sober driver; offer alcohol-free beverages; and make sure all guests leave with a sober driver.

Injury Prevention and Control

Impaired Driving: Get the Facts

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Get a check-up.

Check with your doctor or nurse to see what tests and exams you need based on your age, sex, and health history. Regular health exams and tests can help identify and prevent some problems before they start. They can also help find problems early, when your chances for treatment are better.

Talk to your doctor or nurse about preconception care, sexually transmitted diseases, and your and your partner’s family health histories. Are there any issues that are of concern that both of you need to discuss with your health care provider? Are there any issues that can potentially cause health problems if you decide to have children?

If you have a health problem, make sure you take steps to manage it. Don’t neglect your health while planning your wedding. Continue treatment plans unless your doctor or nurse instructs you to do otherwise. Be sure to get any refills on prescription medications. Talk to your doctor or nurse if you have any questions.

Check-Up Checklist: Things to Do Before Your Next Check-Up

Family Health History

Preconception Care

Regular Checkups are Important

Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)

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Get enough sleep.

Get 7-9 hours of sleep each night. How you feel and perform during the day is related to how much sleep you get the night before. If sleepiness interferes with your daily activities, more sleep each night will improve the quality of your waking hours.

Sleep and Sleep Disorders

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Build a healthy relationship.

Establishing and maintaining a healthy relationship is important before and during marriage. Adults and children who experience a healthy marriage can benefit from better health, increased wealth and financial stability, and longer life expectancy.

Determine if you have realistic expectations of what marriage will be like and what your and your partner’s roles are. Do you or your partner behave in ways that may not demonstrate a healthy relationship? Have you or your partner verbally, emotionally, or physically abused the other? Are there things about your partner or relationship that make you uncomfortable? Several factors can increase the risk that someone will hurt his or her partner. Talk to your doctor, nurse, counselor, or someone else you trust if you need help.

If you are a victim of intimate partner violence, contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 800-799-SAFE (7233).

Intimate Partner Violence

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Travel safely.

If you’re taking a cruise, know your ship’s recent inspection scores. If you're traveling internationally, make sure you have all the vaccinations required for that area. Always wear your seatbelt while riding in a motor vehicle. Protect yourself from sunburn, mosquitoes, and ticks. Make sure to check CDC travel notices for health precautions and outbreaks.

Protect Yourself from the Sun

Travelers’ Health

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Go green.

Recycle all the magazines you used while preparing for the wedding. Consider using favors, utensils, decorations, and accessories that can be easily recycled or reused.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle (EPA)

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Other Versions

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