Why Join and How to Become a VFC Provider

Q: Why should I join VFC?

A: Consider the following:

  • It will enhance your ability to provide government purchased vaccine to your eligible patients and reduces your out of pocket costs.
  • You can provide all ACIP-recommended vaccines to your eligible patients.
  • It will enhance services you provide to populations receiving EPSDT.
  • Any provider authorized to prescribe vaccines under your state law can be a VFC Provider.
  • Over the past decade, both general and immunization specific pediatric "best practices" have included the administering of a child's immunizations in their medical home (their regular source of primary care).

Q: How do I become a VFC provider?

A: Follow these steps:

  1. First, contact your State/Territory VFC Program Coordinator.
  2. Ask for a Provider Enrollment Package to be mailed to you.
  3. Complete the States Provider Enrollment form and return them as soon as possible.
  4. Prepare your office and staff for a site visit to go over the administrative requirements of the program and to ensure proper storage and handling of vaccines when you receive them.
  5. Let your patients know you are now a VFC Provider.

Q: Is there any financial incentive?

A: Yes, specifically:

  • VFC allows you to charge an administrative fee to offset your costs of doing business.
  • Participating in VFC reduces your out of pocket costs because you don't have to buy vaccine for your eligible patients with your own money.
  • VFC will save your eligible patients money because the vaccines are provided at no cost.
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