VFC Federal Excise Tax Credit and FluMist Replacement Program

Federal Excise Tax (FET) Credit

The process for assigning Federal Excise Tax credit is updated to reflect centralized distribution and returns. State Immunization Projects should go to the "Centralized Vaccine Distribution Guide" (previously known as the "GPOC Users' Guide") for more details about the assignment of FET credit. This guide includes the FET process for vaccines in Federal operating inventory, vaccines in a awardee's inventory, and for Pacific Islands and vaccine distributed through McKession Speciality Distribution; and the return process for federal and non-federal vaccines not distributed through McKession Speciality Distribution, and more. Please contact: Deberal Denson at ddenson@cdc.gov with questions.


FluMist Replacement Program

The letter explains the FluMist Replacement Program which allows for the replacement of unused, expiring FluMist doses, at no cost, to help you maximize product usage opportunities.

FluMist Replacement Program[6 pages] Updated Nov 2015

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