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2013 IISAR Data Participation Rates

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September 9, 2014: Content on this page kept for historical reasons.

Child, adolescent, and adult participation rates in IIS are reported for the 2013 IISAR to monitor progress toward Healthy People 2020 objectives and program initiatives. For a discussion on the calculation and reporting of provider site participation rates in IIS, please see the 2010 Immunization Information System progress report in Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report.

2013 CHILD Participation Table and Map

Percentage of U.S. Children < 6 years with 2+ Immunizations in IIS

Percentage of children aged <6 years participating in an immunization information system (IIS) in the United States (including all 50 states, five cities, and the District of Columbia) in 2013.

National coverage: 90%* (excluding territories)

Map of this data (printable version) [1 page]

State/City Percentage
Alabama 91.5%
Alaska 86.3%
Arizona 101.9%
Arkansas 91.9%
California No Data
Chicago, IL** 82.3%
Colorado 99.5%
Connecticut 53.8%
DC No Data
Delaware 104.3%
Florida 103.7%
Georgia 115.2%
Hawaii 57.3%
Houston, TX** 135.2%
Idaho 95.2%
Illinois 67.0%
Indiana 88.3%
Iowa 94.8%
Kansas 72.4%
Kentucky 57.8%
Louisiana 106.8%
Maine 81.6%
Maryland 45.3%
Massachusetts 16.1%
Michigan 99.2%
Minnesota 99.1%
Mississippi 105.4%
Missouri 78.3%
Montana 83.9%
Nebraska 71.3%
Nevada 96.5%
New Hampshire No IIS
New Jersey 88.4%
New Mexico 108.4%
New York 110.6%
New York City, NY** 113.7%
North Carolina 102.0%
North Dakota 96.8%
Ohio 93.8%
Oklahoma 91.7%
Oregon 104.3%
Pennsylvania 63.0%
Philadelphia, PA** 105.8%
Rhode Island 106.1%
San Antonio, TX** 93.8%
South Carolina 65.5%
South Dakota 101.4%
Tennessee 89.0%
Texas 86.8%
Utah 91.6%
Vermont 100.7%
Virginia 85.8%
Washington 96.4%
West Virginia 92.3%
Wisconsin 104.0%
Wyoming 91.1%

American Samoa 147.8%
Guam 69.5%
Marshall Islands 82.5%
Federated States of Micronesia 118.4%
Northern Mariana Islands 83.3%
Palau 90.1%
Puerto Rico 100.0%
Virgin Islands No IIS


* National estimate excludes data from California and DC and 2013 Census estimates for California and DC.

** City-based IIS participation rates are reported separately from their respective states; state rates do not include city data in their values.

Reported annual fluctuations in participation may be due to programmatic and/or technical changes to the immunization information system. The denominator used to calculate child participation numbers are drawn from the 2013 Census estimates for each state and city.

Source: Immunization Information System Annual Report, CY2013

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2013 ADOLESCENT Participation Table and Map

Percentage of U.S. Adolescents 11-17 years with 2+ Adolescent Immunizations in IIS

Percentage of adolescents aged 11-17 years participating in an immunization information system (IIS) in the United States (including all 50 states, five cities, and the District of Columbia) 2013.

National coverage: 64% (excluding territories)

Map of this data (printable version) [1 page]

State/City Percentage
Alabama 60.2%
Alaska 65.0%
Arizona 83.2%
Arkansas 61.1%
California No Data
Chicago, IL** 59.2%
Colorado 74.9%
Connecticut No Data
DC No Data
Delaware 78.6%
Florida 71.6%
Georgia 91.9%
Hawaii 58.5%
Houston, TX** 92.9%
Idaho 64.7%
Illinois 39.0%
Indiana 80.7%
Iowa 62.1%
Kansas 45.9%
Kentucky 27.7%
Louisiana 93.6%
Maine 65.0%
Maryland 28.5%
Massachusetts 12.1%
Michigan 84.8%
Minnesota 80.0%
Mississippi 63.8%
Missouri 51.2%
Montana 60.7%
Nebraska 50.1%
Nevada 71.5%
New Hampshire No IIS
New Jersey 53.6%
New Mexico 84.0%
New York 76.1%
New York City, NY** 98.7%
North Carolina 110.7%
North Dakota 83.4%
Ohio 49.7%
Oklahoma 63.9%
Oregon 66.1%
Pennsylvania 43.4%
Philadelphia, PA** 89.2%
Rhode Island 91.4%
San Antonio, TX** 65.1%
South Carolina 29.7%
South Dakota 72.9%
Tennessee 56.3%
Texas 54.2%
Utah 57.9%
Vermont 75.2%
Virginia 60.2%
Washington 86.9%
West Virginia 64.8%
Wisconsin 94.3%
Wyoming 73.7%

American Samoa 50.5%
Guam 35.1%
Marshall Islands 114.7%
Federated States of Micronesia 13.5%
Northern Mariana Islands 64.0%
Palau 16.3%
Puerto Rico 83.7%
Virgin Islands No IIS


* National estimate excludes data from California and DC and 2013 Census estimates for California and DC.

** City-based IIS participation rates are reported separately from their respective states; state rates do not include city data in their values.

Reported annual fluctuations in child participation may be due to programmatic and/or technical changes to the immunization information system. The denominator used to calculate child participation numbers are drawn from the 2013 Census estimates for each state and city.

Source: Immunization Information System Annual Report, CY2013

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2013 ADULT Participation Table and Map

Percentage of U.S. Adults 19+ years with 1+ Adult Immunizations in IIS

Percentage of adults aged 19+ years participating in an immunization information system (IIS) in the United States (including all 50 states, five cities, and the District of Columbia) in 2013.

National coverage: 32% (excluding territories)

Map of this data (printable version) [1 page]

State/City Percentage
Alabama 21.7%
Alaska 59.7%
Arizona 32.8%
Arkansas 41.7%
California No Data
Chicago, IL** 14.0%
Colorado 39.5%
Connecticut No Data
DC No Data
Delaware 18.2%
Florida 37.5%
Georgia 76.7%
Hawaii 11.3%
Houston, TX** 1.4%
Idaho 37.6%
Illinois 21.1%
Indiana 64.0%
Iowa 50.4%
Kansas 32.2%
Kentucky 7.5%
Louisiana 36.5%
Maine 16.7%
Maryland 16.8%
Massachusetts 21.3%
Michigan 44.7%
Minnesota 88.8%
Mississippi 38.4%
Missouri 20.0%
Montana 43.8%
Nebraska 34.9%
Nevada 46.8%
New Hampshire No IIS
New Jersey 3.0%
New Mexico 42.3%
New York 6.0%
New York City, NY** 9.2%
North Carolina 53.4%
North Dakota 77.9%
Ohio 30.6%
Oklahoma 38.9%
Oregon 72.8%
Pennsylvania 22.1%
Philadelphia, PA** 23.4%
Rhode Island No Data
San Antonio, TX** 22.9%
South Carolina 38.5%
South Dakota 45.7%
Tennessee 34.5%
Texas 0.9%
Utah 49.7%
Vermont 32.2%
Virginia 13.2%
Washington 64.7%
West Virginia 37.6%
Wisconsin 87.0%
Wyoming 47.0%

American Samoa 45.2%
Guam 22.7%
Marshall Islands 30.5%
Federated States of Micronesia 20.1%
Northern Mariana Islands 17.0%
Palau 59.9%
Puerto Rico 26.0%
Virgin Islands No IIS


* National estimate excludes data from California and DC and 2013 Census estimates for California and DC.

** City-based IIS participation rates are reported separately from their respective states; state rates do not include city data in their values.

Reported annual fluctuations in child participation may be due to programmatic and/or technical changes to the immunization information system. The denominator used to calculate child participation numbers are drawn from the 2013 Census estimates for each state and city.

Source: Immunization Information System Annual Report, CY2013

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