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Childhood Immunization Partner Resources - Animated Graphics

A Public Health Achievement

Between 2001 and 2010, the United States saw big declines in the number of cases of vaccine-preventable diseases. Because of this, vaccines are one of the top public health achievements of the decade.


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Vaccines By The Numbers

For kids born between 1994 and 2016, vaccination will prevent an estimated 381 million illnesses, 24.5 million hospitalizations, and 855,000 deaths in their lifetimes.


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Hepatitis B – #VaccinesByTheNumbers

About 780,000 people die each year from hepatitis B complications. Many mothers don’t know they are infected and can give the disease to their babies. Additionally, about 9 of every 10 infants who get hepatitis B from their mothers become chronically infected.


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Chickenpox – #VaccinesByTheNumbers

Before the chickenpox vaccine was available, about 50 children died, and more than 7000 children were hospitalized each year in the U.S.


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Measles – #VaccinesByTheNumbers

Despite a national MMR vaccination coverage level of nearly 92%, one child in 12 in the United States is not receiving his or her first dose of MMR vaccine on time. Measles outbreaks still happen in the U.S. and vaccines are the best protection for your child.


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Pneumococcal – #VaccinesByTheNumbers

New pneumococcal vaccines were introduced in 2000 and 2010. Since then, they have helped lower the estimated number of cases of invasive pneumococcal disease in young children by almost 90%. Outbreaks can still happen, but vaccines can help protect your child from 14 diseases, including pneumococcal disease, by age 2.


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