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Instructions for Accessing TB GIMS

Access to TB GIMS is limited to registered users and is coordinated by a designated TB GIMS Administrator for each state TB control program. Check with the TB Controller in your state to identify the TB GIMS Administrator (see list of State TB Control Offices).

TB GIMS user roles and access levels

In order to maintain data security and facilitate data management, TB GIMS has multiple user roles and access levels. The TB GIMS Administrator determines who should be assigned what role and access level. For more information about user roles and access levels, refer to these TB GIMS resources:

Steps to obtain access to TB GIMS

Step 1:
Contact your state TB GIMS Administrator to request access. If approved, the state TB GIMS Administrator will contact CDC to begin registering you as a potential TB GIMS user.

Step 2:
You will receive an e-mail invitation from “SAMS-NO-REPLY (CDC).” This e-mail includes a link to the Secure Access Management Services (SAMS) portal. SAMS is CDC’s secure website for public health partners to access sensitive information and applications (e.g., TB GIMS) that are not available to the public. The e-mail will also have your SAMS user ID and a temporary password.

Step 3:
Log into SAMS using the website link, user id, and temporary password included in your welcome e-mail and complete the registration. The password you set during the registration process will be your password for accessing SAMS in the future.

Step 4:
After registration you will receive another e-mail from “SAMS-NO-REPLY (CDC).” Print this e-mail and present it along with an official identity document to a Proofing Agent (a notary public).

  • Acceptable identity documents include government-issued photo ID cards that have an ID number (e.g., a driver’s license or passport).
  • The Proofing Agent will verify the identity document and complete their portion of the printed e-mail. Specific instructions on verifying the identity document and completing the form are located on the e-mail form.

Step 5:
Fax or mail the printed e-mail form along with a copy of the identity document(s) to:


Toll-free fax number:

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Attn: Proofing Authority
1600 Clifton Road N.E., Mailstop K-94
Atlanta, GA 30333

Step 6:
You will receive approval by e-mail and U.S. Postal Service at your provided address. This approval will provide a link for accessing TB GIMS through SAMS. The login and password for TB GIMS access are the same as the ones you created during registration.

Contact TB GIMS Help Desk for assistance by e-mail: or phone: 888-300-4261

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