Maternal and Child Health

Have You Heard? Facts from the Field

Have You Heard? Facts From The Field  is a weekly feature from the Office for State, Tribal, Local and Territorial Support to provide CDC and the field with facts and news from state, tribal, local and territorial public health agencies. We invite you to read and share this information broadly.

View the Current Have You Heard?

September 20, 2016

  • The Puerto Rico Department of Health is working with WIC clinics to provide pregnant women with
    • Zika prevention counseling and education
    • Vector control services, such as spraying insecticide and installing screens in their homes
    • Zika prevention kits that include insect repellent, bed nets, condoms, and larvicides
  • Florida’s health and education departments have partnered to protect students from Zika by
    • Providing guidance and resources for public schools and state universities
    • Requiring schools to have procedures in place to quickly deal with suspected cases
    • Giving out insect repellent
    • Linking schools with local health departments so that clinic staff can be trained in preventing and identifying Zika
  • The Texas Department of State Health Services has a dedicated Zika website that outlines its Preparedness and Response Plan and has information for residents, pregnant women, and healthcare professionals.

February 3, 2014

Partnerships between public health and health care can be powerful.

  • The Salina-Saline County Health Department in Kansas is integrating public health and primary care to improve birth outcomes[PDF 349KB].
  • Rio Arriba County, New Mexico, has taken an innovative approach to integrating public health and health care: using a shared space[PDF 333KB] to provide seamless care and save money.
  • Montana’s health department partnered with a community hospital to provide a diabetes prevention program[PDF 343KB] onsite and via video conferencing, helping participants lose weight while also reducing the state’s health costs.

January 27, 2014

December 19, 2013

Social media use is helping state and local health departments extend their reach:

  • In a study of US state health departments, 60% reported using at least one social media application—87% had an account belonging to Twitter, 56% Facebook, and 43% YouTube.
  • In a study involving all US local health departments, 24% had a Facebook account, 8% had a Twitter account, and 7% had both.
  • The Shelby County (Tennessee) Health Department is using social media to lower infant mortality rates in Memphis—its free B4BabyLife app [PDF-96KB] provides families with information and resources before, during, and after pregnancy.

November 19, 2013

  • Gaston County, North Carolina, has eliminated the county’s disparity in the teen pregnancy rate between African-American and white teens.
    • In 2012, for the first year on record, the county’s teen pregnancy rate among 15- to 19-year-old black females was 40.4 per 1,000, compared with 41.1 among white teens.
  • This milestone came two years after Gaston County and CDC launched the Gaston Youth Connected initiative, which offers programs to more than 1,300 young people to help them avoid unplanned pregnancy.

April 5, 2013

South Carolina Medicaid is helping providers and recipients of health care by improving service options to access long-acting reversible contraception (LARC), such as IUDs and implants. This is likely to reduce the number of repeat teen and unintended births.

  • Providers are now able to receive Medicaid reimbursement for inserting an IUD or contraceptive implant in the hospital after a woman has given birth or prior to discharge.
  • More information can be found in the South Carolina Medicaid Bulletin, “Long Acting Birth Control Device Provided in a Hospital Setting.”

March 6, 2013

  • Memphis, Tennessee—The Shelby County health department’s efforts to save babies helped reduce the county’s high infant mortality rate by more than one third during 2003-2011.
  • The American Cancer Society’s Cancer Facts & Figures for 2013 provides a concise summary of frequently used cancer statistics and information about major risk factors.
  • Take the No Tanning pledge! The Melanoma Foundation of New England’s Your Skin Is IN program raises awareness among teens and young adults about the dangers of tanning outdoors and in tanning beds.
  • A hepatitis C outbreak in New Hampshire, believed to have been started by a hospital technician, resulted in the New Hampshire Public Health Laboratory in Concord testing more than 4,000 blood samples in 5 months[PDF - 34KB].

February 8, 2012

October 19, 2011

* New ASTHO president Dr. David Lakey's challenge is focused on reducing infant mortality.

September 28, 2011

  • The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recently released contraceptive guidelines based on the US Medical Eligibility Criteria for Contraceptive Use.
  • Alabama's Title X-supported centers provided contraceptive care to 107,800 women statewide in 2008 ― 79% of whom had incomes at or below federal poverty level.
  • NYC's Bronx Teen Connection is partnering with 39 community-based organizations, schools, and clinics to reach over 11,000 youth with evidence-based teen pregnancy prevention programs and over 2,100 youth with enhanced clinical services.

August 11, 2011

  • Only about 5% of U.S. babies are born in Baby-Friendly hospitals, which support an optimal level of care for infant feeding.
  • Texas hospitals and birthing centers that are designated Baby-Friendly or a Texas Ten-Step facility have significantly higher rates of exclusively breastfed babies at 48 hours of life.
  • Arizona's Baby Steps to Breastfeeding Success program, partially funded through CPPW, has assisted 21 hospitals and trained more than 2,400 nurses to support breastfeeding practices.
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