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August 2011

Have You Heard? Facts From The Field  is a weekly feature from the Office for State, Tribal, Local and Territorial Support to provide CDC and the field with facts and news from state, tribal, local and territorial public health agencies. We invite you to read and share this information broadly.

View the Current Have You Heard?

August 31, 2011

  • Non-diabetic participants with their blood pressure under control increased by 11% from 2007-2010 after a cardiovascular health program in Montana was implemented.
  • Non-diabetic patients with their blood pressure under control increased by 15% from 2007-2009 in Kansas Quality of Care Project clinics.
  • 56% of clients in Michigan's Healthy Hair/Healthy Body program made at least one healthy lifestyle change including controlling blood pressure.

August 24, 2011

August 17, 2011

August 11, 2011

  • Only about 5% of U.S. babies are born in Baby-Friendly hospitals, which support an optimal level of care for infant feeding.
  • Texas hospitals and birthing centers that are designated Baby-Friendly or a Texas Ten-Step facility have significantly higher rates of exclusively breastfed babies at 48 hours of life.
  • Arizona's Baby Steps to Breastfeeding Success program, partially funded through CPPW, has assisted 21 hospitals and trained more than 2,400 nurses to support breastfeeding practices.

August 3, 2011

  • Nearly 44,000 jobs have been eliminated in state (14,700) and local (29,000) health departments since 2008.
  • When the state government shut down for nearly 3 weeks in July, Minnesota’s Department of Health used elements of the National Incident Management System (NIMS) to maintain its essential services.
  • NIMS training is supported through preparedness funds. Over $725 million in CDC funding was allocated to states and territories for public health preparedness and emergency response in FY10. A public health workforce prepared to respond to any emergency is essential to prevent unnecessary morbidity and mortality.
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