Table 22A. Gonorrhea — Reported Cases by Race/Ethnicity, Age Group, and Sex, United States*, 2016

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Age Group
American Indians/
Alaska Natives



Native Hawaiians/
Other Pacific Islanders
Total† Male Female Total† Male Female Total† Male Female Total† Male Female
0- 4 1 0 1 1 1 0 63 25 38 1 1 0
5- 9 3 0 3 0 0 0 32 7 25 0 0 0
10-14 29 3 26 11 3 8 1,306 307 998 3 1 2
15-19 810 237 573 397 184 212 40,280 15,755 24,503 150 46 104
20-24 1,606 599 1,007 1,221 789 430 63,737 32,652 31,051 256 104 152
25-29 1,433 588 845 1,230 940 287 40,771 25,282 15,461 210 122 88
30-34 872 386 486 789 637 152 19,653 13,525 6,106 126 76 50
35-39 463 195 268 511 402 109 10,708 7,867 2,833 90 62 27
40-44 217 104 113 326 263 61 5,659 4,497 1,156 46 32 14
45-54 257 135 122 335 292 41 6,787 5,841 943 33 26 7
55-64 57 44 13 86 67 19 2,405 2,140 264 13 13 0
65+ 8 7 1 25 17 8 432 401 30 0 0 0
Unknown Age 1 1 0 2 2 0 281 145 135 0 0 0
TOTAL 5,757 2,299 3,458 4,934 3,597 1,327 192,114 108,444 83,543 928 483 444


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Age Group




Total† Male Female Total† Male Female Total† Male Female Total† Male Female
0- 4 35 12 23 2 1 1 27 8 19 57 24 31
5- 9 21 4 17 0 0 0 19 1 18 23 4 18
10-14 271 25 246 14 1 13 262 46 216 540 112 420
15-19 12,795 3,758 9,033 708 204 504 8,056 3,198 4,854 16,976 6,934 9,927
20-24 27,243 13,202 14,025 1,194 576 615 15,976 9,122 6,839 26,897 14,923 11,811
25-29 25,018 14,266 10,736 862 570 291 12,414 8,217 4,180 19,345 12,204 6,993
30-34 16,660 10,314 6,337 602 474 128 7,475 5,244 2,219 11,469 7,537 3,828
35-39 10,272 6,786 3,482 305 239 64 4,515 3,285 1,225 7,194 4,908 2,222
40-44 6,018 4,288 1,728 151 125 23 2,395 1,813 577 4,292 2,994 1,263
45-54 8,306 6,790 1,514 210 187 23 2,504 2,022 477 5,710 4,469 1,203
55-64 2,965 2,567 397 49 48 1 549 440 108 2,014 1,628 376
65+ 593 512 79 5 5 0 75 65 10 461 396 63
Unknown Age 114 57 55 1 1 0 32 11 20 1,090 593 475
TOTAL 110,311 62,581 47,672 4,103 2,431 1,663 54,299 33,472 20,762 96,068 56,726 38,630

* Includes 50 states and the District of Columbia reporting race/ethnicity data in the Office of Management and Budget compliant formats in 2016.

† Total includes cases reported with unknown sex.

NOTE: These tables should be used only for race/ethnicity comparisons. See Table 21 for age-specific cases and rates and Tables 14–16 for total and sex-specific cases and rates.

Cases in the 0–4 age group may include cases due to perinatal transmission.

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