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Other Young Worker Safety Resources

California Resource Network for Young Worker Health and Safety
Includes useful resources and descriptions of young worker safety activities in California, and a link to the National Young Workers Resource Center that provides training and technical assistance to state and community teams working to improve young worker safety.

CDC Adolescent Health Webpage
CDC Webpage with information on a variety of adolescent health issues.

The Child Labor Coalition
Information for teen workers as well as advocacy information about U.S. and international child/youth labor.

Don’t Be a Zombie at Work Game
This is a free, interactive, online computer game designed to help teens be more aware of hazards in the workplace. It features the imaginary evil BodgeDab industries. Players help their co-workers avoid becoming a “zombie” by finding tools and information from embedded EHS professionals to stay safe on the job. Instructions and quizzes are provided throughout the game.

Farm Safety 4 Just Kids
Farm safety information.

Federal Network for Young Worker Safety and Health
The Federal Network for Young Worker Safety and Health (FedNet), comprised of more than 30 participants representing 9 federal agencies, seeks to foster collaborative efforts to improve safety and health of workers 14 to 24 years of age. The web site describes the goal and mission of FedNet and provides links to relevant information from federal agencies represented on this group.

ILO International Program to Eliminate Child Labour
Description of the International Labour Organization’s efforts to eliminate the worst forms of child labour.

Inclusion of Young Workers in the WHO Executive Board Resolution on Child Injury Prevention
The World Health Organization (WHO) Executive Board Resolution128/15 Child Injury Prevention of January 24, 2011 includes wording to remind countries of their obligations to prevent child labor and to address risks at work encountered by youth under the age of 18.

Interstate Labor Standards Association (ILSA)
Includes information on state agencies that administer and enforce child labor laws.

Massachusetts Department of Public Health, Occupational Health Surveillance Program
Contains information on teen work injury surveillance in Massachusetts, data reports, publications and educational materials.

National Children’s Center for Rural and Agricultural Health and Safety
This Center funded by NIOSH and the Federal Maternal and Child Health Bureau strives to enhance the health and safety of all children exposed to hazards associated with agricultural work and rural environments.

OSHA’s Teen Workers
An information resource for teens, educators, parents, and employers on young worker issues.

Quebec Protocol
Includes the Quebec City Protocol for the integration of occupational health and safety competencies into vocational and technical education. This protocol was collaboratively developed by numerous international governmental agencies, including the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health in the United States.

State-based Occupational Health Surveillance Clearinghouse
This is a clearinghouse of state-developed products supported through NIOSH Surveillance cooperative agreements. Data and products focused on young workers can be identified by using the search link and terms such as “youth” and “young worker.”

UCLA-Labor Occupational Safety and Health (LOSH)
Provides information on UCLA-Labor Occupational and Health programs aimed at improving young worker safety and health, including aYoung Worker Leadership Academy, Peer Education, Presentations, and a Professional Development workshop.

Washington State Department of Labor & Industries, Teen Worker page
Contains a variety of resources on young worker safety and health and information on the state’s child labor laws.

WHO- Hazardous Child Labor
World Health Organization information on dangerous forms of child labour.

WorkSafe BC, Safety at Work
Contains a variety of resources for preventing young worker injuries.

WorkSafe, Victoria
Contains a variety of resources for preventing young worker injuries.

Youth Rules!
This site provides information about the regulations that affect young workers in the U.S.

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission web site with information for youth about their rights and responsibilities as workers.