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National Personal Protective Technology Laboratory Public Meeting, August 20, 2008

NOTE: This page is archived for historical purposes and is no longer being maintained or updated.

Letter to All Interested Parties

Issue Date: July 10, 2008

From: Jonathan Szalajda, Chief, Policy and Standards Development Branch, National Personal Protective Technology Laboratory

Subject: National Personal Protective Technology Laboratory Public Meeting, August 20, 2008

The NIOSH, National Personal Protective Technology Laboratory (NPPTL), will conduct a public meeting on August 20, 2008 to discuss current respirator standards development projects for closed-circuit self-contained breathing apparatus; the reevaluation of NIOSH limitations on and precaution for safe use of positive-pressure closed-circuit self-contained breathing apparatus; supplied air respirators; and the mechanical connector design used in the Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) Air-Purifying Respirator (APR). The meeting will be held between 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. On-site registration will be held from 7:45 a.m. until 8:30 a.m. You may also confirm your attendance to this meeting by completing a registration form. You may register electronically or you can download the Adobe PDF form and send it by e-mail to or fax it to 412-386-4089..

The meeting will be held at the Sheraton Station Square Hotel, 300 West Station Square Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15219-1122. Interested parties should make hotel reservations directly with the Sheraton Station Square, 412-803-3865, before the cut-off date of July 22, 2008. You must reference the NIOSH/NPPTL Public Meeting to receive the special group rate of $108.00 per night that has been negotiated for meeting guests.

For additional information, please contact NPPTL Policy and Standards Development Branch, P.O. Box 18070, Pittsburgh, PA 15236, telephone 412-386-5200, fax 412-386-4089 or e-mail The meeting agenda, as well as links to subject review materials for the meeting, are available through the links listed below.

Register electronically for the Public Meeting on August 20 2008

Agenda for the August 20, 2008 Public Meeting [PDF - 12 KB]

Links to NIOSH Documents for Comment items.

Presentations from the Public Meeting

Public Meeting - Final PPT [PDF - 675 KB]

Respirator Standards Development and Meeting Overview [PDF - 301 KB]

Proposed Concepts of Draft Subpart Q; Closed-Circuit Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus [PDF - 141 KB]

NIOSH O2 Prohibition for Entry in High Radiant Heat and Open Flame Environments while Wearing Oxygen Devices [PDF - 446 KB]

Supplied-Air Respirator (SAR) Conceptual Standard [PDF - 785 KB]

DoD Request for Modification of the CBRN APR Statement of Standard to Permit an Alternative to the Single Standard 40 mm Screw Mounted Canister [PDF - 526 KB]

Department of Defense (DoD) Request for NIOSH Certification of the Joint Service General Purpose Mask (JSGPM) [PDF - 1.99 MB]

Respirator Standards Development and Meeting Wrap-up [PDF - 212 KB]

National Personal Protective Technology Laboratory Public Meeting, August 20, 2008 [PDF - 28 KB]
