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National Occupational Injury Research Symposium (NOIRS)

NOTE: This page is archived for historical purposes and is no longer being maintained or updated.

Intervention Evaluation Contest

Contest for Occupational Injury Intervention Finding Out What Works (or Doesn’t)!

The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) sponsored a contest to recognize outstanding evaluations of interventions designed to prevent work injuries. The evaluations may have been any safety intervention, from a simple tool or equipment change at a single worksite to a comprehensive program implemented at multiple sites. Interventions could address training, protective equipment, or policies applied throughout a corporation, industry, state or nationally, such as an OSHA standard.


Evaluating the Effect of an Intervention to Prevent Patient-Handling Injuries among Hospital Workers: Support for the Collection of Intermediate Measures of Intervention Adoption and the Integration of Quantitative and Qualitative Methods

Authors: A Schoenfisch, HJ Lipscomb, D Myers, L Pompeii, JM Dement and T James

Honorable Mention

A Randomized Controlled Study of Targeted Occupational Health and Safety Consultation or Inspection in Ontario Workplaces

Authors: S Hogg-Johnson, L Robson, D Cole, E Tompa, P Subrata, BC Amick, P Smith, D van Eerd and C Mustard

For More Information: Contact Jim Collins via e-mail at or by phone at (304) 285-5998.
