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Leading work-related diseases and injuries (psychologic disorders).

MMWR 1986 Oct; 35(39):613-614, 619-621
The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) has developed a suggested list of 10 leading work-related diseases and injuries and has described the first nine categories on that list.* A discussion of the tenth and final category, Psychological Disorders, appears below. There is increasing evidence that an unsatisfactory work environment may contribute to psychological disorders. Studies have shown that factors contributing to an unsatisfactory work environment may include work overload, lack of control over one's work, nonsupportive supervisors or co-workers, limited job opportunities, role ambiguity or conflict, rotating shiftwork, and machine-paced work (1-4). Psychological disorders that can result from such factors may be classified as a) affective disturbances (e.g., anxiety, irritability), b) behavioral problems (e.g., substance abuse, sleep difficulties), c) psychiatric disorders (e.g., neuroses), and d) somatic complaints (e.g., headache, gastrointestinal symptoms). In addition to psychological disorders, stressful working conditions may have a systemic influence, possibly affecting the etiology and/or prognosis of other disease states, as suggested by recent studies of stress-related immunologic suppression (5). Although data bases currently available for determining the extent of work-related psychological disorders are limited, several indicators suggest that these problems impose substantial health and financial costs in the United States. A recent study in California showed that claims for the development of "work-related neuroses" more than doubled during 1980-1982; claims for all other disabling work-related injuries during the same period actually decreased by about one-tenth (6). A study of representative medical claims throughout the country showed that during 1980-1982 claims for "mental stress" that developed gradually (i.e., a chronic problem unrelated to a single traumatic incident or to any physical work-related disorder) accounted for about 11% of all occupational disease claims (7). Average medical costs and indemnity payments in 1981-1982 for these forms of mental stress actually surpassed the average amounts for other occupational diseases (7). The American Psychiatric Association now lists occupational stress in its Diagnostic and Statistical Manual as a subcategory of the major diagnostic axis of "psychosocial stress" (8). There are increasing data on the relationship between specific working conditions and psychological disorders. For example, in a questionnaire survey of over 2,000 workers in 23 different occupations, strong occupational differences were found in psychosocial job stressors and in somatic and affective complaints (1). Ratings of boring, repetitive job tasks and role ambiguity were more prominent among several classes of blue-collar workers (e.g., assembly-line workers, fork-lift truck drivers, and machine operators) than among white-collar professionals (e.g., professors and family physicians). The most satisfied occupational groups were physicians, professors, and white-collar supervisors. Groups experiencing the highest levels of job stressors and their resultant ill effects were assemblers and relief workers on machine-paced assembly lines. NIOSH investigators ranked 130 occupations by rate of admission to community mental health centers in Tennessee to determine the relative risk of psychological or stress-related disorders by occupation (9). Heading the list were jobs in health care, service occupations, and blue-collar factory work--which tend to be characterized by stress-producing conditions such as a lack of control over the job by the worker, repetitive work, shift work, and a responsibility for others.** In other studies, workers on night and rotating shifts (including the health-care occupations) reported more disturbances of sleep; altered eating habits; and higher rates of visits to clinics, absences due to sickness, and on-the-job injuries than did those on fixed day shifts (10-12). Work environments characterized by technological innovation have also been investigated; a major focus has been on office work influenced by the introduction of computers (13,14). "Adverse working conditions" (e.g., poorer physical environment, reduced job control and social support) tend to be reported more frequently by workers using new-technology office equipment such as video display terminals. Some of these conditions have been linked to chronic stress-related disorders (4,15). Worksite studies by NIOSH have revealed that job stresses may contribute to acute disturbances among groups of workers, including those termed "mass psychogenic illness" (16). The sudden appearance of symptoms, usually in response to some "trigger factor" such as a strange odor, may result in spread of the apparent "illness" throughout the plant, with symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, and nausea. Investigations often fail to detect specific physical or chemical causative agents. However, factors such as heavy work load, strained labor/management relations, and physical discomfort at work may be present and related to the reporting of symptoms. Emerging trends in technology, the economy, and demographic characteristics of the work force may lead to increased risk for psychological disorders. For example, a 26% increase is projected for employment in the health services, an area that may be associated with elevated risk (9, 17). Computers and robots are expected to affect seven million factory jobs and 39 million office jobs (18). According to some forecasters (18), possible consequences may include job displacement, reduced skill requirements, and lower-paying jobs. It has been projected that in the next decade, nine of every 10 new jobs will be in the service sector (19). Routine service jobs may not provide the compensation and benefits associated with the more traditional industrial and manufacturing jobs (18). Six of 10 new jobs in the next decade will be filled by women (19), and dual job/home role demands and constrained occupational opportunities for women may result in an adverse impact on their mental health.
Psychological-disorders; Psychological-effects; Psychological-factors; Psychological-reactions; Psychological-responses; Psychological-stress; Psychology; Mental-health; Mental-disorders; Mental-stress; Shift-work
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Journal Article
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NIOSH Division
Source Name
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report