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Registry of Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances (RTECS)







September 201

Molecular Weight


Molecular Formula



Dimethylamine (ACGIH:OSHA)
Methanamine, N-methyl- (9CI)
RCRA waste number U092

Skin and Eye Irritation and References

eye /rabbit 50 mg/5MBJIMAG 23,153,1966
skin /mouse 6%/2HTPKVAL 1,41,1961
skin /rabbit 3%/5D- intermittentTPKVAL 1,41,1961
skin /rabbit 6%TPKVAL 1,41,1961

Mutation Data and Reference

System TestRoute/Organism/TissueDoseReference
Cytogenetic Analysisinhalation/rat50 µg/m3GISAAA 36(11),9,1971
Cytogenetic Analysisovary/hamster10 mmol/LMOTOEX 1,217,1987
sister chromatid exchangeovary/hamster500 µmol/LMOTOEX 1,217,1987

Acute Toxicity Data and References

inhalation/cat lowest published toxic concentration: 0.2 gm/m3TPKVAL 7,56,1965
inhalation/human lowest published toxic concentration: 0.05 gm/m3Eye: Conjunctiva irritationTPKVAL 7,56,1965
inhalation/mammal (species unspecified) lethal concentration (50 percent kill): 0.07 gm/m3Behavioral: Alteration of classical conditioningTPKVAL 7,56,1965
inhalation/mammal (species unspecified) lethal concentration (50 percent kill): 3700 mg/m3TPKVAL 14,80,1975
inhalation/mammal (species unspecified) lowest published toxic concentration: 0.05 gm/m3Eye: Conjunctiva irritation

Behavioral: Convulsions or effect on seizure threshold

Vascular: Other changes
TPKVAL 7,56,1965
inhalation/mammal (species unspecified) Lowest published lethal concentration: 2.4 gm/m3Eye: Conjunctiva irritationTPKVAL 7,56,1965
inhalation/mouse Lowest published lethal concentration: 0.35 gm/m3/2HBehavioral: Alteration of classical conditioningTPKVAL 1,41,1961
inhalation/mouse Lowest published lethal concentration: 0.03 gm/m3/2HVascular: Structural changes in vessels

Lung, Thorax, or Respiration: Changes in pulmonary vascular resistance

Lung, Thorax, or Respiration: Respiratory obstruction
TPKVAL 1,41,1961
inhalation/mouse lethal concentration (50 percent kill): 0.07 gm/m3/2HBehavioral: Alteration of classical conditioningTPKVAL 1,41,1961
inhalation/mouse lethal concentration (50 percent kill): 4725 ppm/2HAIHAAP 43,411,1982
inhalation/mouse lowest published toxic concentration: 0.005 gm/m3/2HBehavioral: Alteration of classical conditioningTPKVAL 7,56,1965
inhalation/mouse lowest published toxic concentration: 0.005 gm/m3/2HBehavioral: Somnolence (general depressed activity)

Vascular: Structural changes in vessels

Lung, Thorax, or Respiration: Respiratory stimulation
TPKVAL 1,41,1961
inhalation/rat lowest published toxic concentration: 0.005 gm/m3/2HLiver: Fatty liver degeneration

Liver: Other changes

Kidney, Ureter, and Bladder: Other changes
TPKVAL 1,41,1961
inhalation/rat lowest published toxic concentration: 0.005 gm/m3/2HTPKVAL 7,56,1965
inhalation/rat lethal concentration (50 percent kill): 4540 ppm/6HOlfaction: Other olfaction effects

Eye: Other eye effects

Lung, Thorax, or Respiration: Dyspnea
AIHAAP 43,411,1982
inhalation/rat lethal concentration (50 percent kill): 3 gm/m3/2HEye: Conjunctiva irritation

Eye: Corneal damage

Skin: After systemic exposure: Dermatitis, other
TPKVAL 1,41,1961
intraperitoneal/mouse lethal dose (50 percent kill): 736 mg/kgYKKZAJ 97,1117,1977
intravenous/rabbit lowest published lethal dose: 4 gm/kg85KYAH 11,509,1989
ocular/mammal (species unspecified) lowest published toxic dose: 100 pphEye: Conjunctiva irritationTPKVAL 7,56,1965
ocular/rabbit lowest published toxic dose: 3 pphEye: Lacrimation

Eye: Conjunctiva irritation

Eye: Corneal damage
TPKVAL 1,41,1961
oral/guinea pig lethal dose (50 percent kill): 240 mg/kgBehavioral: Excitement

Behavioral: Muscle weakness

Gastrointestinal: Ulceration or bleeding from stomach
HYSAAV 32(6),329,1967
oral/mouse lowest published lethal dose: 600 mg/kgMUREAV 539,65,2003
oral/mouse lethal dose (50 percent kill): 316 mg/kgBehavioral: Excitement

Behavioral: Muscle weakness

Gastrointestinal: Ulceration or bleeding from stomach
HYSAAV 32(6),329,1967
oral/rabbit lethal dose (50 percent kill): 240 mg/kgBehavioral: Excitement

Behavioral: Muscle weakness

Gastrointestinal: Ulceration or bleeding from stomach
HYSAAV 32(6),329,1967
oral/rat lethal dose (50 percent kill): 698 mg/kgBehavioral: Excitement

Behavioral: Muscle weakness

Gastrointestinal: Ulceration or bleeding from stomach
HYSAAV 32(6),329,1967

Other Multiple Dose Data and References

inhalation/mammal (species unspecified) lowest published toxic concentration: 0.005 gm/m3/213D- intermittentBrain and Coverings: Other degenerative changes

Peripheral Nerve and Sensation: Recording from peripheral motor nerve

Kidney, Ureter, and Bladder: Changes in tubules (including acute renal failure, acute tubular necrosis)
TPKVAL 7,56,1965
inhalation/mouse lowest published toxic dose: 175 ppm/6H/1Y- intermittentOlfaction: Other olfaction effects

Blood: Changes in serum composition (e.g. TP, bilirubin, cholesterol)

Nutritional and Gross Metabolic: Weight loss or decreased weight gain
FAATDF 5,341,1985
inhalation/mouse lowest published toxic concentration: 175 ppm/6H/2Y- intermittentOlfaction: Other olfaction effects

Nutritional and Gross Metabolic: Weight loss or decreased weight gain
TOXID9 3,24,1983
inhalation/rat lowest published toxic concentration: 175 ppm/6H/1Y- intermittentBlood: Changes in serum composition (e.g. TP, bilirubin, cholesterol)

Nutritional and Gross Metabolic: Weight loss or decreased weight gain

Biochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Phosphatases
FAATDF 5,341,1985
inhalation/rat lowest published toxic concentration: 175 ppm/6H/9D- intermittentOlfaction: Other olfaction effectsTXAPA9 90,359,1987
inhalation/rat lowest published toxic concentration: 175 ppm/6H/2Y- intermittentOlfaction: Other olfaction effects

Nutritional and Gross Metabolic: Weight loss or decreased weight gain
TOXID9 3,24,1983
inhalation/rat lowest published toxic concentration: 0.003 gm/m3/10D- intermittentBehavioral: Alteration of classical conditioningTPKVAL 1,41,1961
inhalation/rat lowest published toxic concentration: 0.003 gm/m3/213D- intermittentLiver: Other changes

Kidney, Ureter, and Bladder: Changes in tubules (including acute renal failure, acute tubular necrosis)

Nutritional and Gross Metabolic: Weight loss or decreased weight gain
TPKVAL 1,41,1961
inhalation/rat lowest published toxic concentration: 0.003 gm/m3/122D- intermittentBlood: Other changesTPKVAL 1,41,1961
inhalation/rat lowest published toxic concentration: 0.003 gm/m3/61D- intermittentPeripheral Nerve and Sensation: Recording from peripheral motor nerveTPKVAL 1,41,1961
oral/guinea pig lowest published toxic dose: 850 mg/kg/35W- intermittentLiver: Changes in liver weight

Kidney, Ureter, and Bladder: Other changes in urine composition

Endocrine: Other changes
GISAAA 32(6),12,1967
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 85 mg/kg/35W- intermittentBehavioral: Alteration of classical conditioning

Liver: Changes in liver weight

Immunological Including Allergic: Decrease in cellular immune response
GISAAA 32(6),12,1967
oral/rat lowest published toxic dose: 37128 gm/kg/39W- continuousLiver: Changes in liver weight

Biochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Phosphatases

Biochemical: Enzyme inhibition, induction, or change in blood or tissue levels: Hepatic microsomal mixed oxidase (dealkylation, hydroxylation, etc.)
TOLED5 17,125,1983


American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH)Threshold Limit Value-time-weighted average 5 ppm;short term exposure limit 15 ppmDTLVS* TLV/BEI,2013
American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH)Threshold Limit Value-Not classifiable as a human carcinogenDTLVS* TLV/BEI,2013

Standards and Regulations

Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) STANDARD-airtime-weighted average 10 ppm (18 mg/m3)DTLVS* 3,88,1971
Occupational Exposure Limit IN SINGAPORE, VIETNAM check ACGIH TLV
Occupational Exposure Limit-AUSTRALIAtime-weighted average 2 ppm (3.8 mg/m3), short term exposure limit 6 ppm (11 mg/m3), JUL2008
Occupational Exposure Limit-AUSTRIAMAK-TMW 2 ppm (3.8 mg/m3);KZW 2 ppm (3.8 mg/m3), 2007
Occupational Exposure Limit-BELGIUMtime-weighted average 2 ppm (3.8 mg/m3), short term exposure limit 5 ppm (9.4 mg/m3), MAR2002
Occupational Exposure Limit-DENMARKtime-weighted average 2 ppm (3.7 mg/m3), MAY2011
Occupational Exposure Limit-ECtime-weighted average 3.8 mg/m3 (2 ppm);short term exposure limit 9.4 mg/m3 (5 ppm), JUN2000
Occupational Exposure Limit-FINLANDtime-weighted average 2 ppm (3.7 mg/m3), short term exposure limit 5 ppm (9.4 mg/m3), NOV2011
Occupational Exposure Limit-FRANCEVME 1 ppm (1.9 mg/m3), VLE 2 ppm (3.8 mg/m3), Skin, FEB2006
Occupational Exposure Limit-GERMANYMAK 2 ppm (3.7 mg/m3), 2011
Occupational Exposure Limit-HUNGARYtime-weighted average 3.8 mg/m3, short term exposure limit 9.4 mg/m3, Skin, SEP2000
Occupational Exposure Limit-ICELANDtime-weighted average 2 ppm (3.8 mg/m3), short term exposure limit 5 ppm (9.4 mg/m3), NOV2011
Occupational Exposure Limit-JAPANOccupational Exposure Limit 10 ppm (18 mg/m3), MAY2012
Occupational Exposure Limit-KOREAtime-weighted average 10 ppm (18 mg/m3), 2006
Occupational Exposure Limit-MEXICOtime-weighted average 10 ppm (18 mg/m3), 2004
Occupational Exposure Limit-NEW ZEALANDtime-weighted average 10 ppm (18 mg/m3), JAN2002
Occupational Exposure Limit-NORWAYtime-weighted average 10 ppm (18 mg/m3), JAN1999
Occupational Exposure Limit-PERUtime-weighted average 5 ppm (9,2 mg/m3); short term exposure limit 15 ppm (27,7 mg/m3), JUL2005
Occupational Exposure Limit-POLANDMAC(time-weighted average) 9 mg/m3, MAC(short term exposure limit) 18 mg/m3, JAN1999
Occupational Exposure Limit-RUSSIAshort term exposure limit 1 mg/m3, Skin, JUN2003
Occupational Exposure Limit-SWEDENtime-weighted average 2 ppm (3.5 mg/m3);short term exposure limit 5 ppm (9 mg/m3), JUN2005
Occupational Exposure Limit-SWITZERLANDMAK-week 2 ppm (4 mg/m3), KZG-week 4 ppm (8 mg/m3), JAN2011
Occupational Exposure Limit-THE NETHERLANDSMAC-TGG 1.8 mg/m3, 2003
Occupational Exposure Limit-THE PHILIPPINEStime-weighted average 10 ppm (18 mg/m3), JAN1993
Occupational Exposure Limit-UNITED KINGDOMtime-weighted average 2 ppm (3.8 mg/m3);short term exposure limit 6 ppm (11 mg/m3), OCT2007
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Permissible Exposure Limit (Construction)8H time-weighted average 10 ppm (18 mg/m3)CFRGBR 29,1926.55,1994
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Permissible Exposure Limit (Federal Contractors)8H time-weighted average 10 ppm (18 mg/m3)CFRGBR 41,50-204.50,1994
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Permissible Exposure Limit (General Industry)8H time-weighted average 10 ppm (18 mg/m3)CFRGBR 29,1910.1000,1994
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Permissible Exposure Limit (Shipyards)8H time-weighted average 10 ppm (18 mg/m3)CFRGBR 29,1915.1000,1993

NIOSH Documentation and Surveillance

National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Recommended Exposure Level TO DIMETHYLAMINE-air10H time-weighted average 10 ppmNIOSH* DHHS #92-100,1992
National Occupational Exposure Survey 1983Hazard Code X1555; Number of Industries 1; Total Number of Facilities 32; Number of Occupations 1; Total Number of Employees Exposed 65; Total Number of Female Employees Exposed 65
National Occupational Exposure Survey 1983Hazard Code 26130; Number of Industries 22; Total Number of Facilities 1406; Number of Occupations 42; Total Number of Employees Exposed 28879; Total Number of Female Employees Exposed 2001
National Occupational Hazard Survey 1974Hazard Code 26130; Number of Industries 13; Total Number of Facilities 291; Number of Occupations 16; Total Number of Employees Exposed 3174

Status in Federal Agencies

EPA GENETOX PROGRAM 1988, Negative: Host-mediated assay
EPA TSCA Section 8(d) unpublished health/safety studies
NIOSH Analytical Method, 1994: Amines, aliphatic, 2010
On EPA IRIS database