The NHSN Demo is a copy of the NHSN interface that allows a limited number of people each day to explore its functionality. In the NHSN Demo, a user can view, add, edit, and analyze data. All data entered by users will be removed at midnight EST each night and are not available for analysis. Instead, fictitious practice data have been preloaded into the NHSN Demo and all analysis data sets will use these data. Therefore, there is no need for users to generate data sets prior to using the extensive analysis features of NHSN. NOTE: Do NOT enter any data from real patients into the NHSN Demo as the data are NOT protected on this open Internet platform.

If you are interested in using the NHSN Demo, you will need to register for access by clicking one of the links below, depending on the type of user you want to be as you explore the NHSN interface:

Facility User – Intended for the individual interested in exploring how to use NHSN for collecting and analyzing data in a healthcare facility. There are different facility types to which an individual can gain access:

Training Instructor – Intended for instructors who will use the NHSN Demo to train facility and/or group users in one of the above facility types. Please see “Special Information for Training Instructors” below.

When NHSN receives your registration, it will send you an email indicating the URL from which to access the Demo, along with a username and password for your use that day. For Facility and Group users, your username and password will expire at midnight Eastern time of the day you requested access, so be sure to register early in the day! For training instructors, the usernames and passwords will expire at midnight Eastern time on the last day of your scheduled training.

Special Information for Training Instructors

The NHSN Demo can be reserved ahead of time for the purpose of hands-on training for NHSN. An instructor may reserve the Demo for up to 2 consecutive days, per request, for a single facility type (as described above). Only one training request may be honored per day.

For planning purposes, the number of users allowed per day per facility type, are listed in the table below:

Facility/Organization Type # of Users
General Acute Care Hospital 220
Long Term Acute Care Hospital 100
Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility 100
Outpatient Dialysis Facility 200
Long Term Care Facility 100

When NHSN receives your registration, it will send you an email indicating the URL from which to access the Demo, the date(s) you have reserved, and all of the usernames and passwords needed for your students. Please save this email!

Because the database is reset at midnight, any changes made by the participants will be deleted and will not be available the following day. Please plan accordingly.

NOTE: Training led by an instructor who is not from CDC is not considered CDC-endorsed training. Therefore, such training should be considered a supplement to NHSN trainings provided by CDC.

If you have questions about the NHSN Demo or need to cancel a training reservation, please contact us at nhsn@cdc.gov.