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Course Catalog
Patient Safety Component Device-associated Modules
Introduction to the Device-associated Module collapsed
Description: This course presents the introduction to the NHSN Device-associated Module.
Objectives: By the end of this training, participants will be able to:
- Outline the structure and surveillance methodology of the Device-associated Module of NHSN.
- Use the Monthly Reporting Plan correctly.
- Describe the methods for collecting summary (denominator) data in the Device-associated Module based on the location type.
- Apply summary data collection rules to example case scenarios.
Length: 1 hour
Intended Participants
- Patient Safety Primary Contact
- Infection Preventionists
- Healthcare Epidemiologists
- State HAI Coordinators
- Quality Specialists
- Data entry staff
- Introduction to the Patient Safety Component
Resource Materials
- 2017 NHSN Patient Safety Component Manual[PDF – 6M]
- Patient Safety Monthly Reporting Plan, January 2017[PDF – 54K]
- 57.106 Patient Safety Monthly Reporting Plan form January 2017[PDF – 53K]
Related Courses
- Catheter-associated Urinary Tract Infection (CAUTI) Surveillance
- Central Line Insertion Practices (CLIP) Adherence Monitoring
- Central Line-associated Bloodstream Infections (CLABSI) Surveillance
- Ventilator-associated Pneumonia (VAP) Surveillance
Central Line-associated Bloodstream Infection (CLABSI) Surveillance collapsed
Description: This course presents the surveillance methods, definitions, and metrics for CLABSI.
Objectives: By the end of this training, participants will be able to:
- Describe the scope of the problem of CLABSI.
- Review the structure of the Device-associated Module in NHSN and the surveillance methodology used for data collection.
- Define key terms and protocol used for collecting CLABSIs and their corresponding denominator data.
- Complete a BSI data collection form for CLABSI.
- Apply definitions to example case scenarios.
- Describe how CLABSI rates and device utilization ratios are calculated and reported to promote performance improvement.
Length: 90 minutes
Intended Participants
- Patient Safety Primary Contact
- Infection Preventionists
- Healthcare Epidemiologists
- State HAI Coordinators
- Quality Specialists
- Data entry staff
- Introduction to the Patient Safety Component
- Introduction to the Device-associated Module
Resource Materials
- Bloodstream Infection (BSI) Event, January 2017[PDF – 1M]
- 57.108 Primary Bloodstream Infection (BSI) form January 2017[PDF – 107K]
- Table of Instructions for BSI form 57.108[PDF – 169K]
Related Courses
- Central Line Insertion Practices (CLIP) Adherence Monitoring
Catheter-associated Urinary Tract Infections (CAUTI) Surveillance collapsed
Description: This course presents the surveillance methods, definitions, and metrics for CAUTI.
Objectives: By the end of this training, participants will be able to:
- Describe the scope of the problem of CAUTI.
- Review the structure of the Device-associated Module of NHSN and the surveillance methodology used for data collection.
- Define key terms and protocol used for collecting CAUTIs and their corresponding denominator data.
- Complete a UTI data collection form for CAUTI.
- Apply definitions to example case scenarios.
- Describe how CAUTI rates and device utilization ratios are calculated and reported to promote performance improvement.
Length: 90 minutes
Intended Participants
- Patient Safety Primary Contact
- Infection Preventionists
- Healthcare Epidemiologists
- State HAI Coordinators
- Quality Specialists
- Data entry staff
Resource Materials
Central Line Insertion Practices (CLIP) Adherence Monitoring collapsed
Description: This course presents the surveillance methods, definitions, and metrics for CLIP.
Objectives: By the end of this training, participants will be able to:
- Describe the rationale for using the CLIP process tool in NHSN.
- Identify the structure of the Device-associated Module in NHSN.
- Define the key terms and protocols used for collecting CLIP process data.
- Identify the method used to collect and record CLIP data.
- Discuss using CLIP data to improve patient safety.
Length: 1 hour
Intended Participants
- Patient Safety Primary Contact
- Infection Preventionists
- Healthcare Epidemiologists
- State HAI Coordinators
- Quality Specialists
- Data entry staff
- Introduction to the Patient Safety Component
- Introduction to the Device-associated Module
Resource Materials
- Central Line Insertion Practices (CLIP) Adherence, January 2017[PDF – 92K]
- 57.125 Central Line Insertion Practices Adherence Monitoring January 2017[PDF – 52K]
Related Courses
- Central Line-associated Bloodstream Infections (CLABSI) Surveillance
Ventilator-associated Pneumonia (VAP) Surveillance collapsed
Description: This course presents the surveillance methods, definitions, and metrics for VAP
Objectives: By the end of this training, participants will be able to:
- Describe the scope of the problem of VAP.
- Review the structure of the Device-associated Module of NHSN and the surveillance methodology used for data collection.
- Identify key terms and protocol used for collecting VAPs and their corresponding denominator data.
- Complete a PNEU data collection form for VAP.
- Apply definitions to example case scenarios.
- Describe how VAP rates and device utilization ratios are calculated and reported to promote performance improvement.
Length: 90 minutes
Intended Participants
- Patient Safety Primary Contact
- Infection Preventionists
- Healthcare Epidemiologists
- State HAI Coordinators
- Quality Specialists
- Data entry staff
Resource Materials
Patient Safety Component Procedure-associated Modules
Introduction to the Procedure-associated Module collapsed
Description: This course presents the introduction to the NHSN Procedure-associated Module.
Objectives: By the end of this training, participants will be able to:
- Outline the structure and surveillance methodology of the Procedure-associated Module of NHSN.
- Use the Monthly Reporting Plan correctly.
- Review key terms and definitions of operative procedures and data fields used for reporting surgical site infection (SSI) denominators.
- Identify the protocol for collecting procedure (denominator) data in the Procedure-associated Module based on specific NHSN Operative Procedure Code.
Length: 1 hour
Intended Participants
- Patient Safety Primary Contact
- Infection Preventionists
- Healthcare Epidemiologists
- State HAI Coordinators
- Quality Specialists
- Data entry staff
- Operating Room staff
Prerequisites: Introduction to the Patient Safety Component
Resource Materials
- Introduction to Procedure-associated Module Training
- 2017 NHSN Patient Safety Component Manual[PDF – 6M]
CEU Awarded at completion
Related Courses
Surgical Site Infection (SSI) collapsed
Description: This course is designed for those who will collect and analyze data pertaining to Surgical Site Infection (SSI) events in the Procedure-associated module of the Patient Safety Component of NHSN.
Objectives: By the end of this training, participants will be able to:
- Explain the impact of SSIs on patient safety and the cost of healthcare.
- Review the surveillance methodology of SSI.
- Review definitions of infection and data fields used for reporting surgical site infection (SSI).
- Demonstrate how to link an SSI event to a procedure record.
- Describe how SSI data from NHSN can be used for performance improvement and patient safety.
Length: 1 hour
Intended Participants
- Patient Safety Primary Contact
- Infection Preventionists
- Healthcare Epidemiologists
- State HAI Coordinators
- Quality Specialists
- Data entry staff
- Operating Room staff
- Surgical Site Infections (SSI) Training [CBT – 60 min]
- Introduction to Procedure-associated Module Training
Resource Materials
CEU Awarded at completion
Biovigilance Component Training
Introduction to the NHSN Hemovigilance Module collapsed
Description: This course presents an introduction to the NHSN Hemovigilance Module, including enrollment or component activation, location mapping, adding users, surveillance requirements, and basic data entry.
Objectives: By the end of this training, participants will be able to:
- Describe the purposes of NHSN
- Understand where the Hemovigilance Module fits into the structure of NHSN.
- Understand the surveillance requirements of the NHSN Hemovigilance Module.
- Enroll or activate the Biovigilance Component, map locations, and add users.
- Begin NHSN Hemovigilance Module data collection and reporting.
Length: 90 minutes
Intended Participants
- Transfusion Services Staff
- Data Entry Staff
- Quality Specialists
- Institution Leadership
- Transfusion Safety Officers
- Blood Collection Center Staff
- None
Resource Materials
Adverse Reaction Coding and Data Entry collapsed
Description: This course presents adverse reaction case studies to familiarize the user with the Hemovigilance Module Adverse Reaction case definition criteria. The course also covers adverse reaction data collection form completion and entry into NHSN.
Objectives: By the end of this training, participants will be able to:
- Determine which adverse reactions should be reported in the NHSN Hemovigilance Module.
- Apply the NHSN Hemovigilance Module case definition criteria to adverse reactions.
- Complete the Hemovigilance Module Adverse Reaction form.
- Enter Adverse Reaction records into NHSN.
Length: 90 minutes
Intended Participants
- Transfusion Services Staff
- Data Entry Staff
- Quality Specialists
- Institution Leadership
- Transfusion Safety Officers
- Blood Collection Center Staff
Resource Materials
Incident Coding and Data Entry collapsed
Description: This course describes the two methods of incident reporting in the NHSN Hemovigilance Module, including case studies to illustrate proper incident coding of errors and accidents. The course also covers incident data collection form completion and entry into NHSN.
Objectives: By the end of this training, participants will be able to:
- Describe the two methods of NHSN Hemovigilance Module incident reporting and the requirements for each.
- Apply appropriate process and incident codes to errors and accidents in the transfusion process.
- Complete the Monthly Incident Summary and Incident forms.
- Enter Monthly Incident Summary and Incident records into NHSN.
Length: 90 minutes
Intended Participants
- Transfusion Services Staff
- Data Entry Staff
- Quality Specialists
- Institution Leadership
- Transfusion Safety Officers
- Blood Collection Center Staff
- Introduction to the NHSN Hemovigilance Module
Resource Materials
Introduction to Analysis and Reporting collapsed
Description:This course presents information on how to access data for analysis in NHSN.
Objectives: By the end of this training, participants will be able to:
- Describe the output options in the NHSN Hemovigilance Module.
- Access facility data for analysis in NHSN by generating datasets.
- Customize reports and save for future use.
- Export datasets for use in other software systems (Excel, SAS, etc).
Length: 90 minutes
Intended Participants
- Transfusion Services Staff
- Data Entry Staff
- Quality Specialists
- Institution Leadership
- Transfusion Safety Officers
- Blood Collection Center Staff
Introduction to the NHSN Hemovigilance Module
- Adverse Reaction Classification and Data Entry
- Incident Coding and Data Entry
Resource Materials
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- Page last reviewed: May 15, 2015
- Page last updated: November 2, 2016
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