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Chapter 10 Figures

Figure 10.1. Conventional On-site Septic System
Figure 10.1. Conventional On-site Septic System
Effluent leaves home through a pipe, enters a septic tank, travels through a distribution
box to a trench absorption system composed of perforated pipe.

Figure 10.2. Straight Pipe Discharge
Figure 10.2. Straight Pipe Discharge

Figure 10.3. Clear Creek Water Contaminated With Sewage
Figure 10.3. Clear Creek Water Contaminated With Sewage

Figure 10.4. Septic Tank System
Figure 10.4. Septic Tank System

Figure 10.5. Septic Tank
Figure 10.5. Septic Tank

Figure 10.6. On-site Sewage Disposal System Site Evaluation Form
Figure 10.6. On-site Sewage Disposal System Site Evaluation Form

Figure 10.7. Cross-section of an Absorption Field
Figure 10.7. Cross-section of an Absorption Field

Figure 10.8. Mound System Cutaway
Figure 10.8. Mound System Cutaway

Figure 10.9. Low Pressure On-site System
Figure 10.9. Low Pressure On-site System

Figure 10.10. Plant-rock Filter System
Figure 10.10. Plant-rock Filter System

Figure 10.11. Sludge and Scum in Multicompartment Septic Tank
Figure 10.11. Sludge and Scum in Multicompartment Septic Tank
