Biographical Note - Graham M. Jukes DMS, FCIEH

Graham Jukes is Chief Executive of the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health. He started his career in 1971 prior to Local Government reorganisation working for the Chief Medical Officer of a major London Borough. He qualified as an Environmental Health Officer in 1976 and has worked as a technical specialist and generalist in all the key subject areas of environmental health practice. His last public sector appointment was as Assistant Chief Environmental Health Officer in the London Borough of Tower Hamlets, where he was responsible for policy co-ordination and the environmental health impact of the London Docklands Development Scheme during the construction of the Canary Wharf Tower (the tallest office block in the UK) and the road, rail and housing infrastructure to this major development area of London.

Shortly after qualification he became involved in the organisation of the CIEH, becoming a Branch representative and then taking office as Branch Secretary, Centre Secretary and Trustee on the Chartered Institute’s Governing Body. In that role he chaired the Environmental Protection Committee, the Disciplinary Committee and the Organisational Centre and Branch Review.

In 1988 he joined the permanent secretariat of the CIEH as Under Secretary responsible for Housing and Pollution Control Policy and latterly was appointed as Director of Professional Services responsible for all Technical and Educational Policy Development for the profession. During that period he worked closely with the secretariats of the European Commission in developing European Policies, mainly on Pollution Control issues.

In the year 2000 he guided the organisation through the Strategic Review of the Governance Structure of the CIEH and upon appointment as Chief Executive on the 1 January 2002 implemented a major staffing restructuring to support the changes to Governance that had been achieved.

He still retains his title of Director of the World Health Organisation Collaborating Centre on Environmental Health Management, a role brokered by him with the World Health Organisation in the early 1990’s. In that role he has worked as an advisor to WHO in Environmental Health and contributed a great deal to the Environmental Health assistance provided to countries of Central and Eastern Europe during the process of democratisation that has appeared in the past decade. He provided the pilot reports for WHO following his work for the Polish Government, which led to the Survey of European Countries Environmental Health Service provision and commenced the WHO Environmental Health series of publications, which has covered every aspect of environmental health delivery.

He has traveled extensively in his professional capacity, promoting the concept of environmental health and the benefits the approach brings to human health.

During his career he has worked closely with Government Departments both internationally and nationally and contributed in a personal capacity to many of the emerging environmental health policies that have been enacted emerged during the past decade.

He was awarded the Fellowship for his services to environmental health in 1990 and continues to drive forward the change agenda in his profession.

He is currently the Company Secretary of the International Federation of Environmental Health and an Executive Director of Chadwick House Group Limited, the CIEH’s wholly owned trading arm which has environmental health training and business interests in the United Kingdom and United States.

He has been married for 26 years to his wife Barbara who is an Environmental Health Officer and they have a six-year-old son. A measure of his passion for the environmental health subject is illustrated in the naming of his dog “Chadwick”, who is named after the great 19th Century environmental health reformer Edwin Chadwick, after whom the Headquarters building of the Chartered Institute is named.

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