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Learn about hemophilia

Movie reels

Blood Roots Documentary
This documentary highlights the impetus and benefits of comprehensive hemophilia care in the United States.  The video features the HTC clinician pioneers from the Western, Mountain and Pacific Northwest States who initiated the -then radical – concept of team based care.  The documentary also features an HTC patient. These pioneers tell an important historic story vital to today’s health care reform efforts which seek to integrate care through the patient centered medical home model. Full length

A Look at Hemophilia
People with hemophilia and medical professionals talk about the disorder and the importance of Universal Data Collection.

Playing it Safe With Hemophilia
Friends with hemophilia talk about playing sports growing up and the importance of making smart decisions.

Starting the Conversation: Hemophilia
How to talk to your friends about hemophilia. A group of friends ask their friend Billy questions about his hemophilia.

Universal Data Collection (UDC) Joint Range of Motion Video

This module provides a brief introduction to what the tape is about and why it is important to accurately measure and collect joint range of motion.

Getting Started
This module lists the things to have on hand before viewing the measurement techniques in the demonstration video such as the UDC Joint Range of Motion Reference Guide, the UDC Annual Visit Form, the goniometer specified in the Reference Guide, and if possible a practice patient.

Annual Visit Form and Definitions
This module provides a review of the annual visit form and definitions for recording joint range of motion measurements.

The Goniometer
This module provides an introduction to the device used to measure a joint’s range of motion. The parts of the goniometer are described as well as how to use the goniometer to take accurate readings of joint range of motion.

ROM Measurement Procedures: Hip Extension
This module provides a demonstration of the proper way to measure hip extension.

ROM Measurement Procedures: Hip Flexion
This module provides a demonstration of the proper way to measure hip flexion.

ROM Measurement Procedures: Knee Flexion and Extension
This module provides a demonstration of the proper way to measure knee flexion and extension.

ROM Measurement Procedures: Shoulder Flexion
This module provides a demonstration of the proper way to measure shoulder flexion.

ROM Measurement Procedures: Elbow Flexion and Extension
This module provides a demonstration of the proper way to measure elbow flexion and extension.

ROM Measurement Procedures: Elbow Pronation and Supination
This module provides a demonstration of the proper way to measure elbow pronation and supination.

ROM Measurement Procedures: Ankle Dorsiflexion and Plantar Flexion
This module provides a demonstration of the proper way to measure ankle dorsiflexion and plantar flexion.

This module concludes the joint range of motion demonstration video, provides key points to remember, and explains how the joint range of motion data collected for UDC will be used by CDC to develop and evaluate interventions designed to reduce joint disease.