Health Data

The following web pages contain water-related data and statistical information.

  • The Nationally Notifiable Disease List provides comprehensive reporting of diseases that occur in the United States. The list is compiled through collaborative efforts among state health departments and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Reporting of diseases is mandated by state legislation and regulations, therefore diseases that are considered notifiable vary from state to state. Internationally notifiable diseases (i.e., cholera, plague, and yellow fever) are also reportable in compliance with the World Health Organization’s International Health Regulations.
  • Waterborne Disease & Outbreak Surveillance & Reporting
    Presents information on outbreaks reported to this national system.
  • Magnitude & Burden of Waterborne Disease in the U.S.
    Provides a summary of information derived from epidemiologic and other studies to assess the magnitude of endemic waterborne illness and summarizes CDC's plans for developing a comprehensive estimate in the future.