Africa by Country
This page includes places where CDC has done cholera work since 2001 and provides basic information and key publications. It is not intended to house exhaustive lists of countries that have experienced cholera outbreaks or related publications.
Cholera Outbreaks: August 2009, September 2010
CDC at Work: On May 6th, 2010, suspect cholera cases were reported from the district of Makary in the Far North region of Cameroon. By October in the Far North region, most burdened by the epidemic, 7,822 cases and 518 had been confirmed. CDC was invited by the Cameroon Ministry of Public Health (MoPH) as well as the World Health Organization (WHO) to provide technical assistance during the cholera epidemic.
- Cartwright EJ, Patel MK, Mbopi-Keou FX, Ayers T, Haenke B, Wagenarr BH, Mintz E, Quick R. Recurrent epidemic cholera with high mortality in Cameroon: persistent challenges 40 years into the seventh pandemic. Epidemiol Infect. 2013;141(10):2083-93.
Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)
Cholera Outbreaks: July 2012, July 2011, June 2003, September 2002, March 2002
- Bompangue D, Giraudoux P, Handschumacher P, Piarroux M, Sudre B, Ekwanzala M, Kebela I, Piarroux R. Lakes as source of cholera outbreaks, Democratic Republic of Congo. Emerg Infect Dis. 2008;14(5):798-800.
- Bompangue D, Giraudoux P, Plisnier PD, Mutombo Tinda A, Piarroux M, Sudre B, Horion S, Tamfum J, Ilunga BK, Piarroux R. Dynamics of cholera outbreaks in great lakes region of Africa, 1978–2008. Emerg Infect Dis. 2011;17(11):2026-34.
- Harris JR, Cavallaro EC, de Nóbrega AA, Dos S Barrado JC, Bopp C, Parsons MB, Djalo D, Fonseca FG, Ba U, Semedo A, Sobel J, Mintz ED. Field evaluation of Crystal VC® Rapid Dipstick test for cholera during a cholera outbreak in Guinea-Bissau. Trop Med Int Health. 2009;14(9):1117-21.
- Gunnlaugsson G, Angulo FJ, Einarsdóttir J, Passa A, Tauxe RV. Epidemic cholera in Guinea-Bissau: The challenge of preventing deaths in rural west Africa. Int J Infect Dis. 2000;4(1):8-13.
Cholera Outbreaks: November 2011, December 2009, July 2008
CDC at Work: In 2009, multiple areas in Kenya experienced cholera outbreaks. The Kenya Ministry of Public Health and Sanitation--Division of Disease Surveillance and Response (MoPHS – DDSR) requested CDC technical assistance (a) to provide assistance with describing the epidemiology of cholera outbreaks in Kenya nationally during 2009-2010, (b) to evaluate the surveillance and response efforts during the 2009-2010 outbreaks, and (c) to evaluate water quality in select Nairobi informal settlements. For more information see the Full trip report from the CDC Outbreak Investigation.[PDF - 148 pages]
- Mohamed AA, Oundo J, Kariuki SM, Boga HI, Sharif SK, Akhwale W, Omolo J, Amwayi AS, Mutonga D, Kareko D, Njeru M, Li S, Breiman RF, Stine OC. Molecular epidemiology of geographically dispersed Vibrio cholerae, Kenya, January 2009–May 2010. Emerg Infect Dis. 2012;18(6): 925-31.
- Mugoya I, Kariuki S, Galgalo T, Njuguna C, Omollo J, Njoroge J, Kalani R, Nzioka C, Tetteh C, Bedno S, Breiman RF, Feikin DR. Rapid spread of Vibrio cholerae O1 throughout Kenya, 2005. Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg. 2008;78(3): 527–33.
- Feikin DR, Tabu CW, Gichuki J. Does water hyacinth on east African lakes promote cholera outbreaks? Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg. 2010; 83(2): 370–3.
- Shikanga O, Mutonga D, Abade M, Amwayi S, Ope M, Limo H, Mintz E, Quick RE, Breiman RF, Feikin DR. High mortality in a cholera outbreak in western Kenya after post-election violence in 2008. Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg. 2009;81(6): 1085–90.
Cholera Outbreaks: December 2004, November 2001
- Hutin Y, Luby S, Paquet C. A large cholera outbreak in Kano City, Nigeria: the importance of hand washing with soap and the danger of street-vended water. J Water Health. 2003;1(1):45-52.
Sierra Leone
CDC at Work: On 16 August 2012, President Koroma declared the cholera outbreak a “public health emergency,” paving the way for a more robust national and international response. On August 24, 2012, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) received a request for assistance from the Sierra Leonean Ministry of Health and Sanitation (MoHS) to investigate risk factors for cholera and to provide laboratory support.
For more information see the Full Trip Report from the CDC Outbreak Investigation.[PDF - 66 pages]
- Page last reviewed: November 7, 2014
- Page last updated: November 7, 2014
- Content source: