Conference Theme

2017 CDC National Cancer Conference: Visualizing the Future Through Prevention, Innovation, and Communication

The 2017 CDC National Cancer Conference was held August 14 through 16, 2017, at the Crowne Plaza Atlanta Perimeter at Ravinia Hotel in Atlanta, Georgia. It was cosponsored by the National Association of Chronic Disease Directors. The conference theme, “Visualizing the Future Through Prevention, Innovation, and Communication,” represents the opportunity for translating research to practice and improving public health.

The purpose of the 2017 CDC National Cancer Conference was to convene representatives from a wide variety of local, state, territorial, federal, academic, national, and community-based cancer prevention and control programs. This two-day conference drew national attendance, creating an excellent opportunity to meet with cancer control partners from around the country, share the view of your organization, and create an opportunity for networking, collaborating, and building relationships.

CDC’s National Cancer Conference constitutes a major effort in advancing the mission and priorities of CDC’s National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion’s Division of Cancer Prevention and Control. As a leader in nationwide cancer prevention and control and as a partner with state health agencies and other key groups, the goals of this conference were to provide participants with information and skills building to—

  • Apply strategies to expand and improve the role of public health agencies and practitioners in cancer prevention, early detection, treatment, rehabilitation, and palliation.
  • Develop and apply strategies for an integrated and coordinated approach to reducing morbidity and mortality from cancer. Understand and use reliable research findings and data in developing interventions for comprehensive cancer control.
  • Form partnerships and relationships with others that will assist in expanding the role of public health in comprehensive cancer control and enable the achievement of comprehensive cancer control objectives.
  • Implement effective community interventions, as defined in The Community Guide to Preventive Services.