2014 BRFSS Asthma Call-Back Survey Prevalence Tables

TABLE 2. Estimated percent of active1 and inactive2 asthma status among adults3 ever diagnosed with asthma by state/territory – BRFSS Asthma Call-back Survey Land Line Sample, United States, 2014

table icon
State/Territory Sample
Active Inactive
% SE§ 95% CI Sample
% SE 95% CI
Alabama 274 233 86.7 4.4 (78.1 – 95.3) 41 N/A N/A (N/A – N/A)
Florida 308 230 67.2 5.7 (56.0 – 78.4) 78 32.8 5.7 (21.6 – 44.0)
Kansas 357 279 75.5 4.4 (66.9 – 84.1) 78 24.5 4.4 (15.9 – 33.1)
Louisiana 131 108 78.5 8.0 (62.8 – 94.2) 23 N/A N/A (N/A – N/A)
Massachusetts 185 142 77.5 7.0 (63.8 – 91.2) 43 N/A N/A (N/A – N/A)
5 state total 1,255 992 73.6 3.4 (66.9 – 80.3) 263 26.4 3.4 (19.7 – 33.1)
Median     77.5       28.7    
Range     67.2-86.7       24.5-32.8    

1 Reported any of the following during the past year: asthma medication use, asthma symptoms, or MD visits for asthma

2 Reported none of the following during the past year: asthma medication use, asthma symptoms, or MD visits for asthma

3 Aged ≥ 18 years

± Landline sample size excludes “DK/Refused”

§ Standard error

Confidence interval

N/A: Estimate not available (N/A) if the unweighted sample size for the denominator was < 50 or if the relative standard error was > 0.30