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CDC's National Asthma Control Program

The CDC National Asthma Control Program aims to reduce the number of deaths, hospitalizations, emergency department visits, school or work days missed, and limitations on activities due to asthma. The program supports the goals and objectives of Healthy People 2010 and Healthy People 2020 for asthma. The program does this by developing and implementing evidence-based best practices that reduce asthma-related morbidity and mortality, and continually enhancing our surveillance systems to monitor our progress. During Fiscal Year 2009, CDC funded grantees in 34 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico for 5 years to help CDC meet these goals and objectives.

CDC’s National Asthma Control Program Funding

CDC created the National Asthma Control Program in 1999 to launch a public health response to control asthma. While the rate of asthma deaths increased from 1980 to 1995, the rate of deaths has decreased each year since 2000.

Chart: CDC's National Asthma Control Funding - Fiscal Years 1999-2009
