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CDC's National Asthma Control Program

CDC's National Asthma Control Program supports the goals and objectives of Healthy People 2010 for asthma. The goals of the program are to reduce the number of deaths, hospitalizations, emergency department visits, school or work days missed, and limitations on activity due to asthma.

Most grants are awarded in September for activities to be conducted the following fiscal year (FY). During FY 2006, the National Asthma Control Program funded grantees in 33 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico, three national organizations, and others for activities to be conducted in FY 2007. These grantees and CDC are conducting asthma tracking, intervention, partnership, and public health research activities. CDC also funded seven urban school districts, one state education agency, and two national non-government organizations to support and address asthma control within a coordinated school health program.

Major Data Collection Systems

CDC also supports a number of major asthma data collection efforts, including the following:

  • The Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Survey (BRFSS), which measures the prevalence of adult asthma in 50 states, three territories (Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Virgin Islands), and Washington, D.C.;
  • The National Health Interview Survey, which documents the number of days of work or school missed, Emergency department visits and hospitalizations due to asthma; and
  • A collection of in-depth information about state and local asthma management through implementation of the BRFSS asthma call-back survey in 35 states in 2007.

For more information, visit

Program Funding
Fiscal Year Appropriations (millions)
1999 1.2
2000 10.3
2001 27.9
2002 35.2
2003 36.9
2004 32.1*
2005 32.4*
2006 31.9

* Represents approximately level funding under CDC's new budget structure.
