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Documents about the Tar Creek Superfund Site

ATSDR has released the following documents:

Public health assessment, Occurrence of Selected Health Conditions in Ottawa County, Oklahoma, September 2008 [PDF - 1.30 MB]
Ottawa County residents are concerned that the rate of certain diseases and illnesses in their county may be higher than state or national rates. This public health assessment provides residents with scientific information about the health status of their community.

Fact sheet for the Public Health Assessment, Selected Health Conditions in Ottawa County, Oklahoma, September 2008 [PDF - 1.2 MB] This fact sheet summarizes the findings and recommendations of ATSDR's Public Health Assessment, Occurrence of Selected Health Conditions in Ottawa County, Oklahoma, September 2008.

ATSDR's Plan for the Tar Creek Superfund Site, November 21, 2006
This plan was created in 2006, to address nine public health concerns at the Tar Creek Superfund Site in Ottawa County, Oklahoma. The status of each activity is updated.

Tar Creek Superfund Site ATSDR Report to Congress Summary Fact Sheet, November 2004
From September 2003 to May 2004, ATSDR staff reviewed blood lead and environmental data from the Ottawa County Health Department, the Oklahoma State Department of Health, and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. ATSDR's purpose was to define the extent of lead exposure among children in the Tar Creek area and to identify potential sources and pathways of exposure.

Report to Congress, Tar Creek Superfund Site, October 2004
ATSDR developed a Report to Congress to assess the level of lead poisoning in families, and especially in children living at or near the Tar Creek Superfund Site in Ottawa County, Oklahoma.

ATSDR Activities at the Tar Creek Superfund Site, March 2004 [PDF - 172 KB]
ATSDR is committed to addressing the public health concerns of the communities affected by the Tar Creek Superfund Site. ATSDR will evaluate available environmental data, health effects data, and community health concerns. ATSDR will develop recommendations to address community concerns about exposure to hazardous substances and other potential hazards.

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