Exposure Investigation Phase II: July-November, 2002

Exposure Investigation Phase II: July-November, 2002

Spring Valley Neighborhood, Washington D.C.

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Exposure Investigation Phase II: July-November, 2002
Spring Valley Neighborhood, Washington D.C.

Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
Division of Health Assessment and Consultation
Atlanta, GA 30333

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  • Urine arsenic levels were tested in a total of 40 individuals-34 adults and six children (age 21 months to 15 years) - to screen for arsenic exposure.
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Rationale for an Exposure Investigation (EI)
  • An EI is not research.
  • An EI is a screening tool.
  • An EI looks at individuals who are most likely to be exposed.
  • An EI makes assumptions about the rest of the population.
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Exposure Investigation
Phase I: March 2002

  • A total of 32 individuals were tested - 23 adults and nine children (age 16 months to 13 years).
  • Urine, hair, and household dust were tested.
  • Only 3 individuals had reportable levels of inorganic arsenic (above 10 μg/L in urine).
  • There was concern that this was not the correct time of year to show maximum exposure risk.

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  • Target population
    1) individuals who participated in the March 2002 exposure investigation
    2) individuals who were living on, or adjacent to, property which was being remediated
    3) individuals whose yards had the highest grid (discrete or single location) sample(s)

  • Consent/Confidentiality

  • Urine testing procedures
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  • All individuals tested had total urinary arsenic between non-detect and 76 μg/L.
  • Thirty seven (92%) of the participants in this investigation had "normal" urine arsenic values-less than 10 μg/L.
  • Only three of the individuals tested had reportable levels of inorganic arsenic in their urine, with levels of 10 μg/L, 14 μg/L, and 26 μg/L.
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  • Urine arsenic levels in the participants were not generally elevated.
  • It is not clear whether the detectable levels of inorganic arsenic in the three individuals are related to soil arsenic contamination, diet, or another source.
  • Health effects are not expected in an adult with these urine levels.
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  • Overall, the population tested in this exposure investigation has normal urine arsenic levels.
  • Three individuals had slight elevations in their urine inorganic arsenic.
  • These levels would not be expected to cause health problems.
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  • Follow-up urinalysis with individuals who have elevated arsenic results.
  • Discuss their results with an ATSDR physician.
  • Discuss their results with their personal health care provider.
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Have you eaten seafood in the past 3 days?YN
Do you smoke?YN
Do you have contact with the soil in your yard (gardening, yard work, etc.)?YN
Have you recently used any pesticides or garden sprays?YN
Have you eaten any vegetables grown in your garden?YN
Have you worked with chemically-treated (for example, CCA) wood?YN
Do you have pets which spend time outdoors?YN
What is your current occupation?__________________

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