
Current Activities

August 2016

4825 Glenbrook Road
ATSDR released the health consultation titled “An Exposure and Health Effects Evaluation of Former Workers and Residents to Chemical Contamination at 4825 Glenbrook Road” on August 26, 2016. ATSDR released the report for public comment on April 19, 2016 and accepted comments until June 20, 2016.
The report evaluates past exposure scenarios for two groups: construction and other workers who developed the property (1992-1993) and the family who lived at the residence (1994-1999). In addition to this website, the report is also available at the Tenley-Friendship Neighborhood Library, 4450 Wisconsin Ave, NW.

Former Activities

March 2011

4825 Glenbrook Road
ATSDR previously addressed the Spring Valley site, including the Glenbrook Road properties, in their 2005 Health Consultation: Public Health Evaluation for the Spring Valley Community. The US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) requested our re-involvement in fiscal year 2011 during their work on 4825 Glenbrook Road. ATSDR’s assistance was requested by USACE for two exposure scenarios at this home: construction workers who built the home and the family who lived in the home. ATSDR’s evaluation of these exposure scenarios is available on this website under "Spring Valley, 4825 Glenbrook Road".

Public Health Consultation

ATSDR has prepared a public health consultation (Public Health Evaluation for the Spring Valley Community) which provides a public health perspective based on environmental and health data for the Spring Valley community. The document is available at Tenley-Friendship Neighborhood Library, 4450 Wisconsin Ave, NW and on this web site under "Health Consultation, Spring Valley Chemical Munitions".

Indoor Air Sampling

At EPA's request, ATSDR prepared an evaluation of indoor air sampling at 4625 Rockwood Parkway. This evaluation is provided under "Public Health Consultation for 4625 Rockwood Parkway".

Follow-up Exposure Investigation

ATSDR and DC DOH conducted a follow-up exposure investigation from July through November 2002. This investigation also focused on residences with the highest soil arsenic levels. Urine samples were collected by the DC DOH. The purpose of this investigation was to determine whether people were being exposed to arsenic in the soil during soil removal in the Spring Valley area and to retest during warmer months to determine if any higher exposures were indicated. Although three of the 40 people tested had mild elevations of inorganic arsenic in their urine, health effects are not anticipated in these or any other EI participants. A summary of these results is presented in the March 2003 Newsletter as well as in a Presentation to the Spring Valley Restoration Advisory Board. A full report is available under June 2003 Exposure Investigation.

Exposure Investigation and Sampling

ATSDR, in collaboration with the Washington, DC, Scientific Advisory Panel and the District of Columbia Department of Health (DC DOH), conducted an Exposure Investigation (EI) in Spring Valley to determine whether neighborhood residents have higher-than-average levels of arsenic in their bodies. For those families participating in the EI, ATSDR offered urine and hair testing as well as indoor vacuum sampling. Samples were collected during the week of March 11, 2002 . In May, results were provided individually to EI participants, and a summary of the results was provided to the Scientific Advisory Panel. The findings indicate that the levels of arsenic observed in this investigation are not expected to cause health problems. A Summary Report is available and a full report is also available: Exposure Investigation Spring Valley Neighborhood - June 28, 2002.

Evaluation and Clean-up

The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) has evaluated the health implications of contamination in soil and other environmental samples taken in the Spring Valley neighborhood of Washington, DC. Our reports and presentations can be found on this website under ATSDR Documents and Additional Information. Clean-up of the area is being conducted by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

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