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Additional Mercury Resources

CDC/ATSDR Resources and Studies

An ATSDR fact sheet summarizing frequently asked questions about mercury.

ATSDR Toxicological Profile – Mercury
An in-depth review of the adverse effects of mercury exposure. Includes information about mercury, exposure and health effects.

ATSDR ToxZine: Mercury
Summary of health effects, exposure, and recommendations in an easy-to-read magazine format.

CDC’s National Biomonitoring Program Factsheet on Mercury
Information on levels of mercury in the U.S. population.

CDC’s National Biomonitoring Program Biomonitoring Summary on Mercury

CDC’s National Report on Human Exposure to Environmental Chemicals

Mercury Report – Children’s Exposure to Elemental Mercury: A National Review of Exposure Events

NIOSH International Chemical Safety Cards – Mercury

NIOSH Safety and Health Topic: Mercury

MMWR: Measuring Exposure to an Elemental Mercury Spill — Dakota County, Minnesota, 2004
A February, 2005 report that summarizes the response to an elemental mercury exposure.

MMWR: Elemental Mercury Releases Attributed to Antiques — New York, 2000–2006
Metallic (i.e., elemental) mercury, a heavy, silvery odorless liquid, is in common household products such as thermostats and thermometers. Lesser-known household sources of elemental mercury include certain antique or vintage items such as clocks, barometers, mirrors, and lamps.

MMWR: Mercury Exposure Among Household Users and Nonusers of Skin-Lightening Creams Produced in Mexico — California and Virginia, 2010

MMWR: Acute Chemical Incidents Surveillance — Hazardous Substances Emergency Events Surveillance, Nine States, 1999–2008

MMWR: Notes from the Field: Elemental Mercury Spill in School Bus and Residence — North Carolina, 2013

MMWR: Blood Mercury Levels in Young Children and Childbearing-Aged Women — United States, 1999—2002

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