Evaluaciones de Salud Pública (PHAs) en línea

Las evaluaciones de salud pública (PHAs, por sus siglas en inglés) y las consultas de salud (HCs, por sus siglas en inglés) publicadas después del 1 de octubre del 2004 están disponible en línea. Debido a limitaciones de recursos, sólo un número limitado de PHAs y HCs publicados antes de esta fecha está disponible en línea. Para ordenar PHAs y HCs que datan antes del 1 de octubre del 2004 contacte el Centro de Registros de la ATSDR por teléfono al 770-488-0707 o por correo electrónico: ATSDRRecordsCenter@cdc.gov.

Seleccione el estado o territorio en el mapa para ver una lista de publicaciones asociadas a ese estado o territorio. [En inglés]

Find a Publication - Image Map click to retrieve publications from the state of Alabama click to retrieve publications from the state of Alaska click to retrieve publications from the state of American Samoa click to retrieve publications from the state of Arizona click to retrieve publications from the state of Arkansas click to retrieve publications from the state of California click to retrieve publications from the state of Colorado click to retrieve publications from the state of Commonwealth of Northern Marianas click to retrieve publications from the state of Connecticut click to retrieve publications from the state of Delaware click to retrieve publications from the state of District of Columbia click to retrieve publications from the state of Florida click to retrieve publications from the state of Georgia click to retrieve publications from the state of Guam click to retrieve publications from the state of Hawaii click to retrieve publications from the state of Idaho click to retrieve publications from the state of Illinois click to retrieve publications from the state of Indiana click to retrieve publications from the state of Iowa click to retrieve publications from the state of Kansas click to retrieve publications from the state of Kentucky click to retrieve publications from the state of Louisiana click to retrieve publications from the state of Maine click to retrieve publications from the state of Maryland click to retrieve publications from the state of Massachusetts click to retrieve publications from the state of Michigan click to retrieve publications from the state of Minnesota click to retrieve publications from the state of Mississippi click to retrieve publications from the state of Missouri click to retrieve publications from the state of Montana click to retrieve publications from the state of Nebraska click to retrieve publications from the state of Nevada click to retrieve publications from the state of New Hampshire click to retrieve publications from the state of New Jersey click to retrieve publications from the state of New Mexico click to retrieve publications from the state of New York click to retrieve publications from the state of North Carolina click to retrieve publications from the state of North Dakota click to retrieve publications from the state of Ohio click to retrieve publications from the state of Oklahoma click to retrieve publications from the state of Oregon click to retrieve publications from the state of Pennsylvania click to retrieve publications from the state of Puerto Rico click to retrieve publications from the state of Rhode Island click to retrieve publications from the state of South Carolina click to retrieve publications from the state of South Dakota click to retrieve publications from the state of Tennessee click to retrieve publications from the state of Texas click to retrieve publications from the state of Trust Territories click to retrieve publications from the state of Utah click to retrieve publications from the state of Vermont click to retrieve publications from the state of Virgin Islands click to retrieve publications from the state of Virginia click to retrieve publications from the state of Washington click to retrieve publications from the state of West Virginia click to retrieve publications from the state of Wisconsin click to retrieve publications from the state of Wyoming
