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How to Prevent Flu from Spreading

A doctor giving a flu shot to a female patient

If you have cancer now or have had cancer in the past, you are at higher risk for complications from the seasonal flu or influenza, including hospitalization and death. Follow these steps to reduce your risk of getting the flu or spreading it to others.

  1. Take time to get a flu vaccine.
  2. Desarrollar hábitos saludables para detener la diseminación de los gérmenes.
    • Cúbrase la nariz y la boca con un pañuelo al toser o estornudar. Arroje el pañuelo a la basura luego de utilizarlo.
    • Lávese las manos con agua y jabón frecuentemente. Si no dispone de agua y jabón, utilice un desinfectante para manos a base de alcohol.
    • Evite tocarse los ojos, la nariz o la boca. Los gérmenes se diseminan de esta manera.
    • Intente permanecer por lo menos a seis pies de distancia de quienes luzcan enfermos.
    • If you are sick with flu-like illness, stay home for at least 24 hours after your fever is gone except to get medical care or for other necessities. La fiebre debe desaparecer sin haber utilizado medicamentos antifebriles. Mantenga distancia de otras personas tanto como sea posible para evitar enfermarlas.
    • Siga las recomendaciones sobre salud pública con respecto al cierre de escuelas, evitar multitudes y otras medidas de distanciamiento social.

    • Por si llegara a enfermarse, tenga preparado un suministro de medicamentos de venta libre, desinfectante de manos a base de alcohol y pañuelos desechables.
  3. Tome los medicamentos antivirales para la influenza si su médico se los receta.

Other important steps to take include—

  • Manténgase informado al visitar CDC’s Flu site frecuentemente.
  • Develop a plan in advance with your doctor about what to do if you get sick (when you should call your doctor, whether you will need antiviral medication, and how to get a prescription for antiviral medication quickly if needed).
  • Make sure your vacunas are up-to-date.
  • Keep a written record of the type of cancer you have, treatment you have received and when you received it, the name and contact information for your doctor, and a list of medicines you are taking.