
ഒരു ലീനത്തെ ലയിപ്പിക്കുന്ന പദാർത്ഥമാണ് ലായകം (Solvent). ലീനം ലായകത്തിൽ ലയിച്ചിട്ടുണ്ടാകുന്ന സംയുക്തമാണ് ലായനി.

A bottle of acetic acid, a liquid solvent



Solvent 645toluene 50%, butyl acetate 18%, ethyl acetate 12%, butanol 10%, ethanol 10%.
Solvent 646toluene 50%, ethanol 15%, butanol 10%, butyl- or amyl acetate 10%, ethyl cellosolve 8%, acetone 7% [1]
Solvent 647butyl- or amyl acetate 29.8%, ethyl acetate 21.2%, butanol 7.7%, toluene or pyrobenzene 41.3% [2]
Solvent 648butyl acetate 50%, ethanol 10%, butanol 20%, toluene 20% [3]
Solvent 649ethyl cellosolve 30%, butanol 20%, xylene 50%
Solvent 650ethyl cellosolve 20%, butanol 30%, xylene 50% [4]
Solvent 651white spirit 90%, butanol 10%
Solvent KR-36butyl acetate 20%, butanol 80%
Solvent P-4toluene 62%, acetone 26%, butyl acetate 12%.
Solvent P-10xylene 85%, acetone 15%.
Solvent P-12toluene 60%, butyl acetate 30%, xylene 10%.
Solvent P-14cyclohexanone 50%, toluene 50%.
Solvent P-24solvent 50%, xylene 35%, acetone 15%.
Solvent P-40toluene 50%, ethyl cellosolve 30%, acetone 20%.
Solvent P-219toluene 34%, cyclohexanone 33%, acetone 33%.
Solvent P-3160butanol 60%, ethanol 40%.
Solvent RCCxylene 90%, butyl acetate 10%.
Solvent RMLethanol 64%, ethylcellosolve 16%, toluene 10%, butanol 10%.
Solvent PML-315toluene 25%, xylene 25%, butyl acetate 18%, ethyl cellosolve 17%, butanol 15%.
Solvent PC-1toluene 60%, butyl acetate 30%, xylene 10%.
Solvent PC-2white spirit 70%, xylene 30%.
Solvent RFGethanol 75%, butanol 25%.
Solvent RE-1xylene 50%, acetone 20%, butanol 15%, ethanol 15%.
Solvent RE-2Solvent 70%, ethanol 20%, acetone 10%.
Solvent RE-3solvent 50%, ethanol 20%, acetone 20%, ethyl cellosolve 10%.
Solvent RE-4solvent 50%, acetone 30%, ethanol 20%.
Solvent FK-1 (?)absolute alcohol (99.8%) 95%, ethyl acetate 5%


Thinner RKB-1butanol 50%, xylene 50%
Thinner RKB-2butanol 95%, xylene 5%
Thinner RKB-3xylene 90%, butanol 10%
Thinner Methanol 65%, butyl acetate 30%, ethyl acetate 5%.
Thinner P-7cyclohexanone 50%, ethanol 50%.
Thinner R-197xylene 60%, butyl acetate 20%, ethyl cellosolve 20%.
Thinner of WFDtoluene 50%, butyl acetate (or amyl acetate) 18%, butanol 10%, ethanol 10%, ethyl acetate 9%, acetone 3%.

ഇതും കാണുക

  • Free energy of solvation
  • Solvents are often refluxed with an appropriate desiccant prior to distillation to remove water. This may be performed prior to a chemical synthesis where water may interfere with the intended reaction
  • List of water-miscible solvents
  • Lyoluminescence
  • Occupational health
  • Partition coefficient (log P) is a measure of differential solubility of a compound in two solvents
  • Solvation
  • Solution
  • Solvent systems exist outside the realm of ordinary organic solvents: Supercritical fluids, ionic liquids and deep eutectic solvents
  • Water model
  • Water pollution



  • Lowery, T.H. and Richardson, K.S., Mechanism and Theory in Organic Chemistry, Harper Collins Publishers 3rd ed. 1987 ISBN 0-06-364044-9

ബാഹ്യ ലിങ്കുകൾ

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