
আলীয়রা হলেন ইসলামের নবী হযরত মুহাম্মাদ (সাঃ)-এর চাচাত ভাই এবং মেয়ে জামাই আলী ইবনে আবু তালিব থেকে উৎপত্তি হওয়া বংশ। শিয়া মুসলমানেরা তাকে মুহাম্মাদ (সাঃ) নিযুক্ত প্রথম ইমাম এবং প্রথম ন্যায়সঙ্গত খলিফা বলে মনে করেন।

বংশানুক্রমিক বৃক্ষ

Simplified Alid Interrelationships as presented in Burke's Peerage

এটি হলো আলীয় পরিবারের বিভিন্ন অংশের আন্তঃসম্পর্ক বিষয়ক তালিকা:[1]

Below is a simplified family tree of Husayn ibn Ali. For the ancestors of ibn Ali see the family tree of Muhammad and the family tree of Ali. People in italics are considered by the majority of Shia and Sunni Muslims to be Ahl al-Bayt (People of the House). Twelver Shia also see the 4th to 12th Imamah as Ahl al-Bayt.

Family tree of Husayn ibn Ali

Khadijah bint Khuwaylid
1st Shia Imam
4th Rashidun Caliph
Muhsin ibn Ali
Hasan ibn Ali
2nd Twelver/Zaidi and 1st Musta'li Imam
Husayn ibn Ali
3rd Twelver/Zaidi and 2nd Musta'li/Nizari Imam
Umm Kulthum bint Ali
Zaynab bint Ali
Rubab bint Imra al-Qais
Layla bint Abi Murrah al-Thaqafi
Umm Ishaq bint Talhah
Fatima Sughra
Sakinah bint Husayn
Ali al-Asghar ibn Husayn
Sukayna bint Husayn
Ali al-Akbar ibn Husayn
Fatimah bint Husayn
Mother of ‘Umar
Ali ibn Husayn
4th Twelver/Zaidi and 3rd Musta'li/Nizari Imam
Fatimah bint al-Hasan
Jayda al-Sindhi
Ali al-Akbar ibn Husayn
‘Umar al-Ashraf
Muhammad al-Baqir
5th Twelver and 4th Musta'li/Nizari Imam
Farwah bint al-Qasim
(Umm Farwa)]]
Zayd ibn Ali
5th Zaidi Imam
Ali al-Asghar ibn Husayn
Hamidah Khatun
Ja'far al-Sadiq
6th Twelver and 5th Musta'li/Nizari Imam
Fatima bint al-Hussain'l-Athram bin al-Hasan bin Ali
Zaynab bint Husayn
Musa al-Kadhim
7th Twelver Imam
Abdullah al-Aftah ibn Ja'far al-Sadiq
Isma'il ibn Jafar
6th Musta'li/Nizari Imam
Umm Kulthum bint Husayn
Ummul Banīn Najmah
al-Nāṣir al-Kabīr
Ali ar-Ridha
8th Twelver Imam
Sabīkah a.k.a. Khayzurān
Muhammad ibn Ismail
7th Sevener/Musta'li/Nizari Imam
Muhammad al-Taqi
9th Twelver Imam
Ahmad al-Wafi
8th Musta'li/Nizari Imam
Other issue
Ali al-Hadi
10th Twelver Imam
Hâdise (Hadīthah) / Suzan (Sūsan) / Sevil (Savīl)
Other issue
Muhammad at-Taqi
9th Musta'li/Nizari Imam
Hasan al-Askari
11th Twelver Imam
Rabi Abdullah
10th Musta'li/Nizari Imam
Muhammad al-Mahdi
12th Twelver Imam

Family tree of Hasan ibn Ali

The Hashemites of Sharifs of Mecca, Kings of Jordan, Syria and Iraq are descended from the other brother Hasan ibn Ali:টেমপ্লেট:Disputable

Genealogical tree of the Hashemite family showing their descent Muhammad,[4] [5] which is contradictory to the previous family tree of Hasan bin Ali in some parts.

[6] [7] [8]

The Alaouites, Kings of Morocco, are also descended from the other brother Hasan ibn Ali through Al Hassan Addakhilটেমপ্লেট:Disputable:

Genealogical tree of the Alouite family showing their descent Muhammad,[9][10] which is contradictory to the previous family tree of Hasan bin Ali.

Genealogoical chart of the descent from Muhammad of the Idrisid dynasty, rulers of Fez and Morocco, Kings of Tunis, and the Senussi dynasty, founders and heads of the Libyan Senussi Order and Kings of Libya are also descended from the other brother Hasan ibn Ali through Al Hassan Addakhil.

Genealogical tree of the Idrisid and Senussi family showing their descent from Muhammad.[10]


  1. Daftary, Farhad. "ʿAlids." Encyclopaedia of Islam, THREE. Edited by: Gudrun Krämer, Denis Matringe, John Nawas, Everett Rowson. Brill Online, 2014.
  2. Al-Yasin, Shaykh Radi। "1"। Sulh al-Hasan। Jasim al-Rasheed। Qum: Ansariyan Publications। পৃষ্ঠা 4।
  3. Madelung, "Al-Ukhaydir," p. 792
  4. The Hashemites: Jordan's Royal Family
  5. Stitt, George (১৯৪৮)। A Prince of Arabia, the Amir Shereef Ali Haider। George Allen & Unwin, London।
  6. Bosworth, Clifford Edmund (১৯৯৬)। The New Islamic Dynasties। Edinburgh University Press।
  7. Antonius, George (১৯৪৬)। The Arab Awakening। Capricorn Books, New York।
  8. The Hashemites, 1827-present
  9. "Morocco (Alaoui Dynasty)"। Usa-morocco.org। ২০০৫-০৮-২৯ তারিখে মূল থেকে আর্কাইভ করা। সংগ্রহের তারিখ ২০১৪-০১-০১
  10. Montgomery-Massingberd, Hugh (১৯৮০)। Burke's Royal Families of the World: Africa & the Middle East। Burke's Peerage।
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