Template:Diagnosis of SBP

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Diagnosis of SBP via Ascitic Fluid Analysis

Standard Evaluation

  • Paracentesis results supporting a diagnosis of SBP:
    • Absolute neutrophil count (PMNs) ≥250
    • Bacteria on gram stain (single type)
    • SAAG > 1.1
      • Diagnostic of portal hypertension with 97% accuracy[1]
      • SBP rarely develops in patients without portal hypertension
    • Protein < 1, Glucose > 50 (otherwise concern for secondary bacterial peritonitis)

For bloody tap, subtract 1 WBC for every 250 RBC[2]

If on Peritoneal Dialysis (CAPD)

SBP if:

  • >100 total WBCs OR >50% neutrophils

If on Nightly APD

SBP if:

  • >50% neutrophils
  • Amylase (>100 suggestive of intra-abdominal process)

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