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2013 NIS-Teen Vaccination Coverage Table Data

This website is archived for historical purposes and is no longer being maintained or updated.

July 24, 2014: Content on this page kept for historical reasons.

Overall Coverage with Individual Vaccines
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By State and Selected area, Vaccines Routinely Recommended for Adolescents
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By State and Selected area, Vaccines Routinely Recommended during Childhood (Adolescent Catch-up Vaccines)
Age Coverage by Age at Interview
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Age at interview
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Poverty Status Coverage Levels with Individual Vaccines by Poverty Status
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By State and Selected area, adolescents living at or above poverty
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By State and Selected area, adolescents living below poverty
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By State and Selected area, difference in estimated vaccination coverage (living at or above poverty – living below poverty)
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Urbanicity Vaccination Coverage Levels by Urbanicity
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Living in a MSA Central City by State and Selected area
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Living in a MSA Non Central City by State and Selected area
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Living outside an MSA by State and Selected area
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Race/ethnicity Vaccine - Specific Coverage Levels by Race/Ethnicity and Poverty Level
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MMR by State and Selected area
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HepB by State and Selected area
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One or more Doses of Varicella by State and Selected area
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Two or more Doses of Varicella by State and Selected area
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Td or Tdap by state and selected area
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Tdap by State and Selected area
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Meningitis by State and Selected area
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1 or more doses of HPV by State and Selected area
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2 or more doses of HPV by State and Selected area
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3 or more doses of HPV by State and Selected area
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HPV series Completion by State and Selected area
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By race and ethnicity
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By poverty level and race/ethnicity
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Demographics Selected Socio-Demographics
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Socio-Demographics(Females): Race, urbanicity, insurance status, 11-12 year old provider visit
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Socio-Demographics(Males): Race, urbanicity, insurance status, 11-12 year old provider visit
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Socio-Demographics(Overall): Race, urbanicity, insurance status, 11-12 year old provider visit