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National Immunization Survey Data: 2001-2002--TAB32-pov_race

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March 11, 2014: Content on this page kept for historical reasons.

Estimated Vaccination Coverage* with Indivheadersual Vaccines and Selected Vaccination Series Among Children 19-35 Months of Age By Poverty Level and Race/Ethnicity US, National Immunization Survey, Q3/2001-Q2/2002§




American Indian
Alaska Native

Native Hawaiian
or Other
Pacific Islander


3+ DTP ll US National 93.9±0.6 94.0±0.7 91.8±1.8 95.1±1.0 93.8±4.3 96.0±1.8 95.0±4.0 NA 90.2±6.1
  At or Above Poverty 94.4±0.6 94.4±0.7 94.2±1.8 95.4±1.2 90.6±7.2 96.5±2.1 95.2±4.9 NA 90.1±7.5
  Below Poverty 92.2±1.5 91.7±3.3 89.1±3.3 94.7±1.7 97.7±2.9 94.0±6.0 NA NA NA
  Unknown Poverty 93.7±1.7 92.9±2.4 91.0±6.2 94.9±2.8 NA 95.5±4.2 NA NA NA
4+ DTP US National 81.5±0.9 83.6±1.1 74.1±3.0 80.9±2.0 77.1±7.4 84.4±4.7 82.5±9.9 NA 78.6±6.3
  At or Above Poverty 83.3±1.0 84.7±1.1 76.4±3.4 82.2±2.7 NA 86.1±5.5 88.9±8.0 NA 79.3±7.6
  Below Poverty 74.9±2.5 74.4±4.6 71.8±5.4 77.2±3.8 NA NA NA NA NA
  Unknown Poverty 82.3±2.7 84.1±3.3 72.4±9.3 83.9±4.8 NA NA NA NA NA
3+ Poliovirus** US National 89.8±0.7 90.6±0.8 84.9±2.3 90.8±1.5 90.8±4.5 93.0±2.7 94.8±4.2 NA 86.9±6.1
  At or Above Poverty 90.4±0.8 90.8±0.9 86.0±2.8 91.7±1.7 91.4±6.3 94.2±2.8 95.2±4.9 NA 86.9±7.6
  Below Poverty 87.1±1.9 88.8±3.3 84.1±3.8 88.0±3.2 87.9±7.7 90.6±7.5 NA NA NA
  Unknown Poverty 91.0±2.0 91.2±2.4 83.8±8.5 93.2±3.0 NA 90.0±8.6 NA NA 92.9±8.3
1+ MMR†† US National 91.0±0.7 91.8±0.8 88.6±2.1 91.2±1.6 90.5±5.5 90.0±4.2 93.5±5.2 NA 88.8±5.7
  At or Above Poverty 91.6±0.8 92.1±0.8 90.3±2.6 91.5±2.2 88.0±8.2 90.1±4.9 92.4±7.0 NA 87.8±7.5
  Below Poverty 88.9±1.8 89.5±3.4 86.1±4.0 89.8±2.9 93.0±7.9 95.5±4.6 NA NA 90.5±7.6
  Unknown Poverty 91.7±1.8 91.8±2.4 89.8±5.1 92.7±3.3 NA NA NA NA 94.5±7.6
3+ Hib‡‡ US National 92.9±0.6 93.8±0.7 90.3±1.9 92.7±1.3 92.2±5.2 94.3±2.0 91.1±7.2 NA 88.4±6.2
  At or Above Poverty 93.7±0.7 94.2±0.7 92.6±2.0 93.6±1.7 87.4±8.7 94.6±2.2 94.6±5.1 NA 88.8±7.6
  Below Poverty 90.2±1.6 90.1±3.2 87.5±3.4 92.3±2.0 98.3±2.3 92.7±6.4 NA NA NA
  Unknown Poverty 92.9±1.9 94.6±2.0 90.3±7.5 91.4±3.4 NA 93.9±6.0 NA NA 99.8±0.5
3+ HepB§§ US National 88.3±0.8 89.8±0.8 83.3±2.5 88.1±1.8 86.7±7.2 91.4±2.8 95.2±4.1 NA 83.3±6.3
  At or Above Poverty 89.1±0.8 89.9±0.9 84.8±3.2 89.1±2.5 89.0±8.0 92.6±2.9 95.7±4.7 NA 82.4±7.8
  Below Poverty 85.2±2.1 87.6±3.4 81.7±4.2 85.9±3.5 NA 88.2±8.5 NA NA NA
  Unknown Poverty 89.5±2.2 91.1±2.5 83.1±8.5 89.7±3.9 NA 88.8±8.9 NA NA 91.5±9.1
1+ Varicellallll US National 78.6±0.9 77.1±1.1 79.5±2.7 81.3±2.1 76.9±7.3 83.0±4.8 NA NA 76.3±6.2
  At or Above Poverty 79.2±1.0 77.9±1.2 82.9±3.2 82.5±2.7 76.2±9.9 82.4±5.7 NA NA 77.4±7.5
  Below Poverty 75.9±2.3 71.5±4.4 73.3±5.1 80.7±3.5 NA 90.7±7.5 NA NA NA
  Unknown Poverty 79.4±2.9 76.5±4.2 86.2±5.9 79.8±5.5 NA NA NA NA 89.0±9.3
3+PCV§§§ US National 20.1±0.8 22.6±1.1 16.0±2.3 15.3±1.7 11.0±4.8 29.6±5.4 NA NA 22.7±4.6
  At or Above Poverty 22.7±1.0 24.0±1.2 18.9±3.0 17.5±2.5 NA 31.8±6.6 NA NA 25.0±5.7
  Below Poverty 13.7±1.8 14.1±3.1 12.6±4.2 13.4±2.7 NA NA NA NA NA
  Unknown Poverty 17.2±2.4 20.3±3.7 15.9±6.5 13.5±3.8 NA NA NA NA NA
3:3:1¶¶ US National 84.2±0.8 85.1±1.0 78.2±2.7 85.8±1.8 83.9±6.5 86.0±4.5 91.8±5.7 NA 82.3±6.1
  At or Above Poverty 85.0±0.9 85.6±1.1 79.2±3.4 86.2±2.5 82.6±9.3 87.1±5.2 91.9±7.1 NA 82.7±7.5
  Below Poverty 81.4±2.2 81.8±4.3 77.6±4.5 83.5±3.4 NA 85.8±9.3 NA NA NA
  Unknown Poverty 84.8±2.5 84.3±3.2 76.1±9.5 88.5±3.8 NA NA NA NA NA
4:3:1*** US National 78.0±0.9 79.9±1.1 69.8±3.1 78.1±2.1 74.8±7.7 82.0±4.8 NA NA 75.4±6.3
  At or Above Poverty 79.6±1.0 80.8±1.2 72.2±3.6 79.4±2.9 NA 83.0±5.6 86.1±9.6 NA 76.6±7.7
  Below Poverty 72.2±2.5 72.8±4.6 67.5±5.6 75.0±3.8 NA NA NA NA NA
  Unknown Poverty 78.7±2.8 80.1±3.6 68.1±9.5 80.4±5.1 NA NA NA NA NA
4:3:1:3††† US National 76.7±1.0 78.8±1.1 68.8±3.1 76.5±2.2 74.6±7.7 78.6±5.0 NA NA 73.9±6.3
  At or Above Poverty 78.4±1.0 79.6±1.2 71.2±3.7 78.4±2.9 NA 79.7±5.8 86.1±9.6 NA 75.0±7.7
  Below Poverty 70.9±2.6 71.8±4.7 66.3±5.6 73.4±3.9 NA NA NA NA NA
  Unknown Poverty 76.8±2.9 79.0±3.7 67.2±9.5 77.4±5.3 NA NA NA NA NA
4:3:1:3:3‡‡‡ US National 73.1±1.0 75.6±1.2 64.2±3.2 72.7±2.3 70.5±8.3 75.8±5.1 NA NA 68.7±6.4
  At or Above Poverty 74.8±1.1 76.3±1.2 66.1±3.9 75.0±3.1 NA 76.7±5.9 86.1±9.6 NA 69.0±7.7
  Below Poverty 67.2±2.6 69.8±4.7 61.5±5.7 69.5±4.1 NA NA NA NA NA
  Unknown Poverty 73.9±3.0 76.7±3.8 65.5±9.5 73.2±5.7 NA NA NA NA NA
* Estimate=NA (Not Available) if the unweighted sample size for the numerator was <30 or (CI half wheadersth)/Estimate >0.5 or (CI half wheadersth)>10
Based on family income and household size using US Bureau of Census poverty thresholds for 2001    
Self-reported by respondent. Indivheadersual racial groups do not include Hispanic children. Children of Hispanic ethnicity may be of any race.
§ Children in the Q3/2001-Q2/2002 National Immunization Survey were born between August 1998 and November 2000.
ll Three or more doses of any diphtheria and tetanus toxoheaderss and pertussis vaccines including diphtheria and tetanus toxoheaderss, and any acellular pertussis vaccine (DTP/DTaP/DT)
Four or more doses of any diphtheria and tetanus toxoheaderss and pertussis vaccines including diphtheria and tetanus toxoheaderss, and any acellular pertussis vaccine (DTP/DTaP/DT)
** Three or more doses of any poliovirus vaccine    
†† One or more doses of measles-mumps-rubella vaccine; previous reports of vaccination coverage were for measles-containing vaccine (MCV)    
‡‡ Three or more doses of Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) vaccine    
§§ Three or more doses of hepatitis B vaccine    
llll One or more doses of varicella at or after child's first birthday, unadjusted for history of varicella illness    
§§§ Three or more doses of pneumococcal conjugate vaccine    
¶¶ Three or more doses of DTP, three or more doses of poliovirus, and one or more doses of MCV    
*** Four or more doses of DTP, three or more doses of poliovirus, and one or more doses of MCV    
††† Four or more doses of DTP, three or more doses of poliovirus, one or more doses of MCV, and three or more doses of Hib    
‡‡‡ Four or more doses of DTP, three or more doses of poliovirus, one or more doses of MCV, three or more doses of Hib, and three or more doses of HepB    
llllll % ± 95% Confheadersence Interval    

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