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Vaccine Resources Adult Vaccination Web Buttons

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Place any of following Web buttons on your website to connect your visitors with CDC’s online health information or healthcare professionals with specific print materials.

Web buttons for Adults with Chronic Conditions

Choose from these web buttons to motivate adults with chronic health conditions to get vaccinated.

Web Buttons for Healthcare Professional Audiences

Choose from these web buttons to direct healthcare professionals to resources on adult immunization.

Web buttons for Adults with Chronic Conditions

Vaccine Information for Adults With Asthma

This button links to the Lung Disease including Asthma and Adult Vaccination page.

Vaccine Resources for Patients With Asthma

Copy and paste the code below to add this button to your website.
(180×150 – code for smaller size button)

Vaccine Resources for Patients With Asthma.

Copy and paste the code below to add this button to your website.
(300×250 – code for larger size button)

Vaccine Information for Adults with Diabetes

This button links to the Diabetes Type 1 and Type 2 and Adult Vaccination page.

Patients with Diabetes.

Copy and paste the code below to add this button to your website.
(180×150 – code for smaller size button)

Patients with Diabetes.

Copy and paste the code below to add this button to your website.
(300×250 – code for larger size button)

Vaccine Information for Adults with Heart Disease

This button links to the Heart Disease, Stroke, or Other Cardiovascular Disease and Adult Vaccination page.

Patients with Heart Disease.

Copy and paste the code below to add this button to your website.
(180×150 – code for smaller size button)

Patients with Heart Disease.

Copy and paste the code below to add this button to your website.
(300×250 – code for larger size button)

Buttons for Healthcare Professional Audiences

Vaccine Resources for Pregnant Patients

These buttons links to the Resources for Educating Pregnant Women page.

Learn about maternal vaccines.

Copy and paste the code below to add this button to your website.
(180×150 – code for smaller size button)

Learn about maternal vaccines.

Copy and paste the code below to add this button to your website.
(300×250 – code for larger size button)


Vaccine Resources for Pregnant Patients.

Copy and paste the code below to add this button to your website.
(180×150 – code for smaller size button)

Vaccine Resources for Pregnant Patients.

Copy and paste the code below to add this button to your website.
(300×250 – code for larger size button)

Standards for Adult Immunization Practice

This button links to the standards for adult immunization practice page.

Standards for Adult Immunization Practice.

Copy and paste the code below to add this button to your website.
(180×150 – code for smaller size button)

Standards for Adult Immunization Practice.

Copy and paste the code below to add this button to your website.
(300×250 – code for larger size button)

Vaccine Resources for Educating Adult Patients about Vaccines

This button links to the educating adult patients about vaccines page.

Resources for Educating Adult Patients about Vaccines.

Copy and paste the code below to add this button to your website.
(180×150 – code for smaller size button)

Resources for Educating Adult Patients about Vaccines.

Copy and paste the code below to add this button to your website.
(300×250 – code for larger size button)

Web buttons for audiences wanting to go to:


This button links to the shingles page.

I watched my sister suffer with shingles, that's why I made sure we both got vaccinated.

Copy and paste the code below to add this button to your website.
(180×150 – code for smaller size button)

I watched my sister suffer with shingles, that's why I made sure we both got vaccinated.

Copy and paste the code below to add this button to your website.
(300×250 – code for larger size button)

Healthcare Workers

This button links to the healthcare workers vaccines page.

Healthcare Workers.

Copy and paste the code below to add this button to your website.
(180×150 – code for smaller size button)

Healthcare Workers.

Copy and paste the code below to add this button to your website.
(300×250 – code for larger size button)


Adult Vaccination

This button links to the adult vaccination site.

Adult Vaccination.

Copy and paste the code below to add this button to your website.
(180×150 – code for smaller size button)

Adult Vaccination.

Copy and paste the code below to add this button to your website.
(300×250 – code for larger size button)

Adult Vaccination

This button links to the adult vaccination site.

I do a lot to stay healthy, including getting vaccinated. Don't wait. Vaccinate! CDC, Learn More

Copy and paste the code below to add this button to your website.
(160×600 – code for tall button)

I do a lot to stay healthy, including getting vaccinated. Don't wait. Vaccinate! CDC, Learn More

Copy and paste the code below to add this button to your website.
(300×250 – code for larger size button)

Adult Vaccination

This button links to the adult vaccination site.

I got vaccinated because I can't risk getting sick. Don't wait. Vaccinate! CDC, Learn More

Copy and paste the code below to add this button to your website.
(728×90 – code for long button)


I got vaccinated because I can't risk getting sick. Don't wait. Vaccinate! CDC, Learn More

Copy and paste the code below to add this button to your website.
(160×600 – code for tall button)

I got vaccinated because I can't risk getting sick. Don't wait. Vaccinate! CDC, Learn More

Copy and paste the code below to add this button to your website.
(300×250 – code for larger size button)

Adult Vaccination

This button links to the adult vaccination site.

My wife got whooping cough, so I'm getting the vaccines I need. Don't wait. Vaccinate! CDC, Learn More

Copy and paste the code below to add this button to your website.
(160×600 – code for tall button)

My wife got whooping cough, so I'm getting the vaccines I need. Don't wait. Vaccinate! CDC, Learn More

Copy and paste the code below to add this button to your website.
(300×250 – code for larger size button)

Adult Vaccination

This button links to the adult vaccination site.

I want to protect my health, so I'm getting the vaccines I need. Don't wait. Vaccinate! CDC, Learn More

Copy and paste the code below to add this button to your website.
(160×600 – code for tall button)

I want to protect my health, so I'm getting the vaccines I need. Don't wait. Vaccinate! CDC, Learn More

Copy and paste the code below to add this button to your website.
(300×250 – code for larger size button)

Adult Vaccination

This button links to the adult vaccination site.

Don't wait. Vaccinate!

Copy and paste the code below to add this button to your website.
(100×83 – code for smaller size button)

Adults: Don't wait. Vaccinate!

Copy and paste the code below to add this button to your website.
(180×150 – code for small size button)

Vaccine Resources for Pregnant Patients

This button links to the Vaccines for Pregnant Women Quiz page.

Vaccines help protect you and your baby.

Copy and paste the code below to add this button to your website.
(353×198 – code for smaller size button)

Vaccines help protect you and your baby.

Copy and paste the code below to add this button to your website.
(518×518 – code for larger size button)

This button links to the pregnant women page.

Vaccine Resources for Pregnant Patients.

Copy and paste the code below to add this button to your website.
(180×150 – code for smaller size button)

Vaccine Resources for Pregnant Patients.

Copy and paste the code below to add this button to your website.
(300×250 – code for larger size button)

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