CDC is committed to helping you make informed decisions about vaccination.
Here are some materials to help you better understand vaccines recommended for adults and why they are an important part of staying healthy.
Fact Sheets collapsed
Size and orientation: 8-1/2″ x 11″, portrait, color
Suitable for printing in color or in black & white.
3 Important Reasons for Adults to Get Vaccinated[2 pages]
Provides compelling reasons for adults to get vaccinated as well as a chart of vaccine-preventable diseases and how they can affect adults.
Vaccines: Know What You Need[2 pages] UPDATED SEP 2015
Provides an overview of vaccines recommended for adults based on age, health conditions, and other factors.
What You Need to Know About COPD, Asthma and Adult Vaccinations[2 pages]
Encourages those with asthma to get vaccinated and lists the recommended vaccines just for them.
What You Need to Know About Heart Disease and Adult Vaccinations[2 pages]
Encourages those with heart disease to get vaccinated and lists the recommended vaccines just for them.
What You Need to Know About Diabetes and Adult Vaccinations[2 pages]
Encourages those with heart disease to get vaccinated and lists the recommended vaccines just for them.
What You Need to Know About Shingles and the Shingles Vaccine[2 pages]
Information to address common questions about the disease and protection from vaccination.
Web Tools collapsed
Adolescent and Adult Vaccine Quiz
Vaccine Finder
To find adult vaccine providers in your area, type your zip code in the box above and click “GO” or visit Healthmap Vaccine Finder.
Videos & Podcasts collapsed
Adults: Do You Know What Vaccines You Need? [released 11/19/2015]
With busy jobs and four active kids, Mary Beth and Barckley Toole don’t have time to get sick. A call from the doctor’s office reminded Mary Beth that they need vaccines to help stay healthy – just like their kids do. Follow along as she and Barckley find out what vaccines are recommended for adults.
Pregnant? Help Protect Your Baby from Whooping Cough [2:53 minutes, date released: 01/12/2016]
Laura just entered her third trimester of pregnancy and is considering getting her whooping cough vaccine so she can pass on protection to her baby. Follow along as she seeks advice about the vaccine from both her Ob-Gyn and close friend. Since whooping cough can be deadly, pregnant women should get vaccinated during their third trimester to help protect their babies. For more information, please visit the Pregnancy and Whooping Cough homepage.
Our Best Shot: The Importance of Vaccines for Older Adults is a short animated film from the Alliance for Aging Research that gives an overview of how vaccines work and highlights the importance of vaccination as we get older.
VSI: Vaccine Scene Investigation [4:02 minutes, date released: 10/20/2010]
Stopping serious diseases before they start is what Vaccine Scene Investigation is all about. This video shows the importance of vaccinating against diseases such as Influenza, Pneumococcus, Herpes Zoster (Shingles), and Tetanus, Diphtheria and Pertussis.
Get Your Big Boy Shots [3:33 minutes, date released: 2/2/2012]
You may think vaccines are just for kids, but there are nearly a dozen vaccine recommended for people over the age of 18. In this podcast, Dr. Carolyn Bridges discusses the importance of adults staying up-to-date with their vaccines.
Recognizing and Preventing Whooping Cough (Pertussis) [3:28 minutes, date released: 9/15/2010]
In this podcast, Tami Skoff, a mother of two and epidemiologist with CDC, discusses the symptoms of whooping cough (pertussis) and how to prevent it. She discusses the importance of getting everyone vaccinated, especially those who will have close contact with an infant.
Prevent Pneumonia [4:50 minutes, date released: 5/23/2012]
This podcast explains what pneumonia is, its symptoms, and how to prevent it.
There’s a Vaccine for Shingles?! [1:42 minutes, date released: 7/13/2009]
This podcast answers a listener’s question about the vaccine for shingles.
Public Service Announcements collapsed
These public service announcements (PSA) share the various reasons why adults choose to get vaccinated.
Better Safe (Radio PSA, 30 seconds)
Transcript[1 page] -
Busy Mom (Radio PSA, 30 seconds)
Transcript[1 page] -
Search Results (Radio PSA, 30 seconds)
Transcript[1 page] -
The Appointment (Radio PSA, 30 seconds)
Transcript[1 page]
Feature Articles collapsed
Adult Vaccination: An Important Step in Protecting Your Health
Vaccines are especially important for those with chronic conditions, who are more likely to develop complications from certain vaccine-preventable diseases. -
Adults Need Immunization, Too!
Your need for immunizations doesn’t end when you reach adulthood. Protect yourself and your loved ones from vaccine-preventable diseases. Be the example! -
Finding Your Adult Vaccination Record
An up-to-date vaccination record helps you and your doctors know if you’re protected against vaccine-preventable diseases. Can’t find your records? You’re not alone. The following tips can jumpstart your search! -
Vaccines Help Protect Travelers of All Ages
Travel within the United States or to other countries can be an opportunity to volunteer, work, or relax, but it can also put you or your family at risk for serious diseases. Make sure you and your loved ones are protected with vaccines against serious diseases. -
Are You at High Risk for Serious Illness from Flu?
If you are at high risk, flu vaccination is especially important to decrease your risk of severe flu illness. Get your flu vaccine today. -
Pregnant Women Need a Flu Shot!
If you’re pregnant, a flu shot is your best protection against serious illness from the flu. A flu shot can protect pregnant women and even their babies after birth. -
Pneumonia Can Be Prevented—Vaccines Can Help
Pneumonia is an infection of the lungs that is usually caused by bacteria or viruses. Globally, pneumonia causes more deaths than any other infectious disease. It can often be prevented and can usually be treated.
Pertussis (Whooping Cough)—What You Need to Know
Pertussis (whooping cough) is very contagious and can cause serious illness―especially in infants too young to be fully vaccinated. Pertussis vaccines are recommended for children, teens, and adults, including pregnant women. -
Pertussis: Unprotected Story
Parents tell true story of how pertussis sickened their child and impacted their family. -
World Hepatitis Day
Viral hepatitis is the leading cause of liver cancer and cirrhosis worldwide. Approximately 1 in 12 persons, or around 500 million people, have chronic viral hepatitis and most of them do not know they are infected. -
Tetanus: Make Sure You and Your Child Are Fully Immunized
Playing outdoors can mean getting cuts that may become infected with bacteria commonly found in soil, including the ones that cause tetanus. Tetanus vaccine can help prevent tetanus disease, commonly known as “lockjaw”. -
Protect Yourself against Shingles: Get Vaccinated
Almost 1 out of 3 people in America will develop shingles during their lifetime. Your risk increases as you get older. People 60 years of age or older should get vaccinated against this painful disease. -
Hepatitis Awareness
Take CDC’s new online Hepatitis Risk Assessment. Answer a few questions and then you will receive personalized viral hepatitis testing and vaccination recommendations.
References collapsed
- Noninfluenza Vaccination Coverage Among Adults – United States, 2012. MMWR. 2014:63(05);95-102.
- Ensuring the Safety of Vaccines in the United States[2 pages]. CDC. 2012.
- Recommended Adult Immunization Schedule – United States, 2014. MMWR. 2014:63(05);110-112.
- Understanding How Vaccines Work[2 pages]. CDC. 2012.
- Vaccine Safety[16 pages]. Epidemiology and Prevention of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases (Pink Book). 2012.
Resources in Spanish collapsed
General Fact Sheets
Vacunas: Sepa lo que necesita[2 pages, 8-1/2 x 11] UPDATED SEP 2015
Fact Sheets for Adults With Chronic Conditions
CDC Feature Articles/Especiales CDC
Tosferina: lo que debe saber
La tosferina (pertussis) es una enfermedad muy contagiosa y puede enfermar gravemente a las personas, en especial a los bebés que son muy pequeños aún para recibir todas las vacunas. La vacuna contra la tosferina se recomienda para niños, adolescentes, adultos y hasta mujeres embarazadas.
Tosferina PSA [0:30 minutes, date released: 9/9/2010]
Este anuncio de servicio público (PSA) de 30 segundos hace un llamado a vacunarse contra la tosferina (pertussis), en especial aquellas personas que están en contacto cercano con bebés.
Reconocimiento y prevención de la tosferina (Pertussis) [3:30 minutes, date released: 9/9/2010]
En este podcast, Tami Skoff, epidemióloga de los CDC y madre de dos hijos, habla de los síntomas de la tosferina (pertussis) y la forma en que puede ser prevenida. Skoff resalta la importancia de que todas las personas se vacunen, en especial aquellas que están en contacto cercano con bebés.
Ready to Publish Articles
No pasen las enfermedades prevenibles a sus seres queridos[1 page]
Audience: Spanish Speaking Adults
Length: Approximately ~550 words
This short article encourages adults to get vaccinated to protect themselves – and those around them – from serious vaccine-preventable diseases.
- Page last reviewed: May 2, 2016
- Page last updated: October 19, 2016
- Content source: