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Green Meetings

Ensuring that your meeting is green not only helps you to reduce your own impacts on the environment, it helps encourage and inspire your attendees to do the same.

Conference calling enabled telephoneA Green Meeting has limited impact on the environment through limited consumption of energy and resources like paper and food service items. Features of a Green Meeting may include electronically circulated meeting materials, teleconference options, online file sharing, or outdoor meeting rooms. Other sustainable options include scheduling breaks for physical activity, providing healthy snacks, and hosting meetings in central locations. Although hosting an entirely sustainable meeting does take work, it’s worth the effort, and implementing just a few environmentally friendly practices can make a positive impact.

Green Meetings Checklist

  • Offer teleconferencing and videoconferencing services to limit travel
  • Choose a meeting location close to public transit
  • Distribute meeting materials electronically
  • Include breaks for stretching and walking
  • Turn off electronic equipment when not in use
  • If food is provided, offer healthy, local choices
  • Turn room lights off when you leave
  • Serve water from pitchers or fountains and avoid disposables bottles, dishes, and utensils
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