STEADI - Stopping Elderly Accidents, Deaths & Injuries

STEADI Materials for Your Older Adult Patients

Every 20 minutes an older adult dies from a fall in the United States. Many more are injured. Take a stand to prevent falls. HHS CDC STEADI. Stopping Ederly Accidents, Deaths & Injuries

Falls affect us all—whether personally or someone we love or care about. Every second of every day an older adult falls. In 2015 alone, more than one in four older adults reported falling and more than 28,000 older adults died as a result of falls—that’s 74 older adults every day. There are simple steps you can take to prevent falls and decrease falls risks. CDC developed the STEADI (Stopping Elderly Accidents, Deaths & Injuries) initiative which includes educational materials and tools to improve fall prevention.

Family Caregivers: Protect your Loved Ones from Falling

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Brochure for family caregivers with steps to help prevent older adult falls.


Check for Safety Brochure

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Encourage patients to use to help identify and eliminate fall hazards in their home.


Stay Independent Brochure

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Offers a checklist providers and patients can use to check for risk of falling.


What You Can Do to Prevent Falls Brochure

Chair Rise Exercise

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Simple exercises to help improve thigh and buttock strength and to reduce fall risk.


Train today! Pharmacists: keep your older patients independent! APhA